Prologue: Idols vs. Mutts

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There wasn't much to the New World, or hell, as I liked to call it. I had heard much about the old earth, the one that we were taught to frown upon and laugh at. Democracy seemed to vanish faster than snow heating under a sun. Now? Now we had kinds.

Idols vs. Mutts.

You wanted to be an Idol, then you were granted the title of being sane, and normal, if you will. Being an Idol meant you were treated with respect and dignity, also being allowed to keep your head up and make eye contact with others.

Being a Mutt was practically like being a pet horse that carried their owners on their backs, despite their exhaustion or their intelligence. The exploitation was a custom, something that everybody accepted and decided to live by.

I didn't believe that the insane were necessarily the bad guys. In my one, controlled mind it seemed that the Idols were the ones that didn't have their heads screwed on straight. But in the New World, the Mutts had no choice but to bow their heads, avoid the eyes of their masters and slave over them.

There were three stages of the Mutts:
1) Home Mutts: These slightly insane beings usually had two souls and were at the beck and call of the Idols, allowed to live in homes but by no means allowed to sleep in beds.
2) Worker Mutts: This kind was a bit more insane, with three or four souls, and rather than being in homes they worked on the fields, either in farming or in the oil industry. They were not allowed indoors, no exceptions.
3) Institution Mutts: These beings exceeded the level of insanity, carrying over five souls. They were locked away, doing tiny tasks in mental facilities where they could not escape if their lives depended on it.

I was an Idol. I was expected to kick the Mutts when they weren't doing their jobs, being careful of the multiple voices that would bark at me from their numerous souls. If you were an Idol, you had conquered the others and had become King of your body, having only one mind and only one soul. Being an Idol meant working in offices or other sanitary workplaces, and the richer Idols often had their own personal Mutts.

Me? I was on the poorer side of the Idols. But regardless of the money in my pocket I had passed the Section Exam with one of the highest scores my district had ever seen. I could've been rich, could've had a dozen Mutts polishing my shoes and braiding my hair.

But I didn't want one. I wanted equality, something that hadn't existed since the old world had been wiped out. Saving insanity would not only be a difficult task, but it could cause me to lose my life before I had even begun to accomplish it.

Yet that was all I wanted, to save insanity.

And that may even make me a bit insane.


The prologue to my new story.. Going to updating as much as I can! But if you have any sort of opinion please comment below! :D Would love some feedback.
xoxo Meah

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