Chapter 5

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"Some people have this ability to see through the mask of a sad and broken person.... They know about the facade as they themselves had once been the person who put up a facade.."

*Ian's P.O.V*

I woke up in the morning with a big hangover... I should reduce my drinking because if I keep waking up this late , I'm never going to be able to make it to Literature on time... The clock showed the time to be 11 am which meant I had already missed half of lunch.. I quickly freshened up and left for school...

Once I reached I attended all the classes I possibly couldn't skip but French was easy for me so I decided that instead of listening to my teacher eating my head off about something I already knew, I headed out to have a smoke... Yes, you got me right.. I have the typical bad boy image... I have several tattoos but each of my tattoo has some meaning to it... And not just any meaning, I get my tattoo depicting the lessons life teaches me... I slept around with girls just for fun and I felt nothing about them... 

As I headed towards​ the music room to smoke, I heard music softly playing... Since I couldn't hear it clearly, I peeked into the music room... A girl stood in the middle of the empty room.. Her hair fell on her face so perfectly and naturally that I had this sudden urge to slowly tuck it behind her ear, softly touching her face in this process.... But what was more interesting was that she was singing.... She was broken and in pain... It was clearly evident in her voice... Her eyes were shut as she sang softly... Her fingers swiftly stroked the guitar as she ended the song..

She slowly bit her lip nervously when she saw me... "Um I didn't know someone was here.. and I had a class and I just guess I'm early..." She said slowly and I could tell she was uncomfortable under my steady gaze... I was rather amused by this but I stayed there... "You clearly meant whatever you sang didn't you?" The words left my mouth even before I could process what I was saying..
I regretted it immediately when I saw pain flash in her eyes as she softly mumbled a "yes​".... Not knowing what to do, I said "Hi I'm Ian... Well I didn't mean to disturb.. sorry ... See you around" and made my way out quickly.... Somehow I was thinking about her..  I didn't know who she was but I was determined to find out...

As I sat under the tree on the school grounds, away from the teachers, I started to think about her...
She looked so innocent... So naive but strong.... By the look in her eyes, anyone could tell she was sad and broken... Her face was soft and her voice was captivating... Somehow the way she bit her lip nervously intrigued me... Her tan skin was smooth and her hair was brown... With wisps of gold it seemed....  Her body was mesmerising... Petite yet she had curves that could drive a guy insane.... Her lips were red and slightly swollen.... I wondered if I would ever get a chance to bite them the way she bit them... Unknowingly but it was sensual....  I was snapped out of my thoughts when bell rang, signalling that the school was over!

I walked over to my car and headed out to my best friend Ray's house... My house was fucked and he knew that... My father was a drug addict and my mum worked hard to pay for my school.. I worked hard to get a good GPA so I would get a good scholarship and lessen the burden... I try my best to not trouble her for the things I want... I worked my ass off for 3 years at a garage to buy this car... It's second hand but it's still in mint condition....
As I knocked at the door, a pretty shit looking Ray opened the door for me... I had just gotten back from my aunt's place yesterday and then hit a party so I hadn't been able to meet up with him for a while now... I wondered what was wrong... "Man what's up? Why do you look like shit?"I asked him... "Remember Zasha? The girl I had been dating for the past 4 years? She dumped me.."he said as pain flashed in his eyes... Ray had told me alot about Zasha but I had never met her... Mostly because Ray said she was uncomfortable after one of his other friend has asked her out, she had totally refused to meet anyone else..  Reason? Well Ray apparently had beaten the guy to a pulp... And Zasha hated violence.... His words not mine... "Well what exactly happened?" I asked... "Eh... I was hanging out with this chick and she thought​ I was cheating on her... And so she broke up..." Ray said as his hands ran through his hair... He did that only when he lied.... "Okay so what actually happened... " I asked him with the i-know-your-lying look ... "Look.... I cheated on her... She wasn't ready to have sex and I needed to fulfill my needs.. " he said as he let out a sigh...
"Well I'm definitely not going to support you here... You know cheating is a big thing right?...." I replied in a serious tone... I hated cheaters and liars and now my best friend was both of them.... "Well I really didn't care much.. I tried to talk to her but she didn't listen to me... And now she's gotten into our school with a makeover... She's bitchy and deadly hot... I want her back but she just won't listen to me..." He says again...
"Well if you don't care then just let her go man... She might actually find someone who treats her better..." I reply... I was getting pissed at his words but I kept calm... "Dude don't you know? I mean there is a bet.. On who will be able to take her V-card.... It's the only reason I'm trying to get back to her...." He chuckled... I was dead mad at him but I can't do anything can I? I mean he won't listen to me or anything... I have to find this girl and warn her...  "Anyways let's smoke... I need to take a puff... She's getting to my head..." He adds and we start smoking... While he blabbers about his vacation I continue to think of ways to help this girl I didn't even know but I didn't want her to end up like my sister... I wince when those memories come rushing back to me.... It still hurts to think about her... Knowing that I could have saved her...  It was all my fault... Even dad blamed me for it... I decide to join Ray in his drinking and soon after many drinks, I feel myself slowly loosing consiciousness as I pass out on his couch.....
Author's note!

Hey lovelies!!!
Omg yess! Thanks for making my dream of 50 reads coming true!!
Let's make that a three digit number? Waddya say! Chapter 10 I hope you will get me there!
Thanks to zoyamariam for being there!!!
She's the reason I haven't given up on this book yet!
And also a special shout out to Anu_leepee for all the voting she does for my book!!!
And I can't believe that the book touched #58 in chicklit!!!
*Does a happy dance*
I promise I'll update as much as I can and ASAP too!

~~All the love

(Published on 14th June, 18:43 [IST])

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