Chapter 7

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"Sometimes when the past haunts you, it's for your own betterment..."

*Zasha's P.O.V*

I sat on the porch of my house waiting for Ari to arrive... The air was chilly but I had started to enjoy it... I missed my parents... My mum and dad died in an car accident 5 years ago.... My elder brother was my only family left.... He was studying at the university​ so he came home only once a month... Ari's parents were never home so she used to live with me.... It was fun to have your best friend around 24x7... We did alot of fun stuff together and she was the only one who knew about Ray... My brother had strongly opposed the relationship... He hated Ray with a passion I didn't get.... I spent most of the time pondering why but it's like he knew his baby sister​ will get hurt...

I shut away the thoughts about Ray and took a deep breath... All of a sudden I saw Ari driving back.... 
"What took you soo long?" I asked her as she stepped out of the car... "Well I was at James's place..." She smirked...
"Omg spill!" I said as I smacked her on her shoulder.. "Gawd woman... Nothing happened.. I was just enquiring about how Dan is... And.... isortamighthavethreateneddantonothurtyouelseillkillhim" she finished... "Ari!"I chuckled... This girl was insane but I loved her... As we were walking towards the door, I saw Ian come out of Ray's place... My heart actually stopped.... I felt this sadness take over me... I wanted to rush in and start crying.... Was Ian also like Ray? I had no idea but a part of me wanted to know more about him..... And the other part... Wanted to stay away as much as I could...

Before I could get inside, I heard him... "HEY! You!!!!" I had heard him speak only once but I knew exactly how he sounded... It's weird right?
"Um hey?" I replied sheepishly while turning around.... " You never told me your name?" He said as he made his way over to the porch..  "Well don't you know curiosity killed the cat?" I said with a smirk playing on my lips...
I didn't know where all this confidence had been infused in me....
"Well well... I'm not a cat so it won't cause my death... But I'll certainly die not knowing the girl who sings exceptionally well now won't I?"He said with a glint of mischief in his eyes... "Hi I'm Zasha." I reply with a chuckle... "Zasha... Name as unique as your personality..." He says with a smile.. I blush... "So um... You know the girl who lives here or what?" He asks with a smile... His dimples clearly visible... "Um I live here..." I reply with a dry chuckle... All of a sudden his eyes widen.... "You... You are...." He starts and I clearly shatter inside... He knows who I was to Ray.... "It's alright... I'm gonna go before anything bad happens to you...." I said with a sad smile and started walking away...
"Zasha! Wait!!!" I heard him call after me so I turned back around... "Could you grab coffee with me... Like I have to talk to you about something very important... And the sooner we talk, the better..." He said with a hint of desperation clearly evident in his voice.... I was clearly afraid to be with his friends because of his violent behavior...

"Could we talk inside?" I asked as I nervously looked around to see if Ray was around... "Yeah sure and don't worry about Ray for now... He's passed out in his bedroom..."Ian said, noticing my nervousness... I turned around and started walking towards the house with Ian trailing behind me like a lost puppy... I was afraid of what Ian had to say... He was the first guy I genuinely liked since Ray... It hasn't been that long but it had... I feel I stopped liking Ray long ago but I couldn't bring myself to accept that... It only happened after..... I shuddered remembering what had happened...
I lead Ian into the house and shut the door behind me... And luckily.. Ari was having a shower so...

"We need to be quick!" I said as soon as I shut the door of my bedroom... "Okay so well there's something going on that you should know about... Something related to you... Every year the school gets two exchange students right... So well there is a group of boys which makes up the League.... The league is where all players and rich good-looking guys place bets... They play for money and for popularity... Every year they earn points for doing things like making out with a hot teacher or breaking the innocent nerd's heart... And for the finale....  The most innocent and pure girl is chosen and the guy who gets into her panties wins the league..." Ian said... I was confused... "Why are you telling me all this?" I asked out of frustration.... "Because... Because the girl chosen this year is you Zasha..."

Author's note!

Hey lovelies!!! We crossed 200 reads!!! Gosh I'm so fuckin happy!
And we also managed to touch #43 in chicklit!  *Does a happy dance*
Sorry I haven't been able to update soon... I know I promised but things at home just haven't been right and I'm not sure if they'll ever be...

Sometimes I can't concentrate 'cause of all the drama going on in my life... I'm really very very sorry... I started writing this chapter right after I published chapter 6 but then all hell broke loose and stuff...

And all the people who are voting for the book! I love you guys... I mean this means alot to me... Thanks for reading... I promise I'll try and update sooner this time Nd I know that chapter is a bit short but if couldn't help but leave this on a cliffhanger... What do you think Ian wants from zasha... And now we know what the "league" is about...
Yeah and be happy cause hot and steamy scenes are coming up soon!!!!
That's all folks!

~~All the love

(Published on 30th June, 11:29 am [IST])

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