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She couldn't see anything. She couldn't think about anything other than the excruciating pain in her back and her Court, her family. She had no idea where Maeve would be taking her. Aelin felt a boat start moving under her. That must be going to Wendlyn. She squinted at the sudden light that appeared. She felt the iron make be removed. She looked up and saw Cairn standing above her.
"Ready to have some more fun?" He smirked. She wanted to slap that smirk right off of his face. "The only thing I consider fun is killing each and every one of you monsters." She managed to rasp.
"I wouldn't suggest trying that." He chucked. "Shall we start? I will whip you and will not stop until I deem it necessary." He began. She didn't know how long it went on. All she knew was that she was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius and she would not be afraid. And the she lost consciousness.

She awoke hours later. She saw a guard keeping watch over her. He turned to her and whispered, "Don't worry there is a group of people who are going to get you out. We are going to let you gather information and when you are ready," he looked at her with such a fierce look she shrunk back, "we are going to put you on the throne.When you are ready spit at Maeve's feet." She again lost consciousness.

She did not know if she dreamed what the fae male said to her but she believed with every ounce of her soul that she would be saved.
She assumed they were on their way to Doranelle. The majority of her journey include numerous kinds of torture and complete and utter darkness. Not just in her cell but her inside herself. That light that she had tried so hard to keep from going out and flickered once more and then stopped burning.

She dreamed " She was running as fast as she could, as if the winds themselves pushed at her heels. She knew she wasn't fast enough. She tried her hardest to get to Nehemiah. She would be too slow. Too slow to save her. Just like with Sam. She entered that gods awful room. But it wasn't Nehemiah that she saw. It was Rowan. Tortured just like she was. She turned and ran into the hall where she saw Aedion. Very direction she turned she saw everyone she'd ever loved tortured to death. "You did this to us." The voices called out to her. She couldn't save them, couldn't save them. Sam. Nehemiah. Ro-

Someone was shaking her. It was a healer. Aelin jerked away from. "It's okay." Whispered the healer. " Your all right. You can do this. You will get out of here. You will be put in your throne." So this was one of the fae that was planning on helping her escape. "Long love the true queen." The female whispered as she sprinted out of the room.
A few weeks ago they took off her chains. She assumed that they were thinking " she hardly has any healing abilities. With all that blood loss, her power will take forever to refill especially since she isn't getting a good meal anytime soon." Arlin has more healing powers than they know. Over the days the irons have been off, she has regained almost all of her strength. They all better prepare for her to unleash herself on them. She still acted like she was weak and hurt. When the guards talked she pretended to be asleep. They did not know that she was listening. She heard information about Maeve's court and the damages to her fleet. One day Aelin heard them talking about her.  "I can't wait to see Cairn whip all the skin off of her back and ruin that pretty face of hers." One of the guards said, laughing. The other replied, " The bitch doesn't even know that her parents are alive, that they are alive in another dimension and that they have the third wrydkey. The dimension that the live in has a fae land called Prythian and then human lands." He chuckled, "just wait until Maeve tells her." They both shared a life at her expense. When they left Aelin did something she had not done in quite a while. She bawled.
Hours later she was yanked out of her sell. "Her Majesty wishes to speak to you." This is where it will be confirmed. Someone will actually tell her that her parents are alive. That's all she ever wanted. Her family back. And siblings. She might have a younger brother or sister. The thought made her smile. She was ready to face Maeve.

When Aelin entered the throne room she was met by to wolves.  The same two wolves that had been in Doranelle the day that Rown was whipped. She gritted her teeth. "Hello dear niece. It's nice to see you." Aelin didn't respond. "I have a story to tell you my Fireheart." "You do not get to call me that." Aelin ground out. I have story to tell you. It starts with this. You parents. They are still alive. And they have the Key.

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