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Oh my gods. I can't believe what I am hearing. Aelin had an easier time telling her people what happened than she did me. Her mate. I guess I haven't been acting like one. Or a husband. She told me what she went through and I left her. Well she was the one who left. But I left mentally. I need to talk to her. As I head to her room I catch a whiff of 3 scents that aren't Aelin's. They are familiar so I'm not concerned. When I get to the room I hear a sharp intake of breath. Then whispers so quite I can't make them out. Then it sounds like someone is crying. Aelin probably. Aedion opens the door and walks out. He shut the door behind him with a click.
"I don't know what you are doing here but you need to leave. You have already upset her enough for one week." When Rowan nodded and went to turn away Aedion continued "You should probably stay away from her parents for a little while. They are furious with you for upsetting her." Rowan just nodded and went to the kitchens.

By the Cauldron. Rohoe and Evalin are SO mad. Rohoe looks like he is about to go kill Rowan. That isn't my biggest concern right now. I call a little meeting with Feyre and Cassian. When they finally reach the sitting room I start talking.
"We have to go back to Velaris." When it looked like they were about to start protesting he continued "We need to go get our forces and they rest of our inner circle. Then we will come back here and remain for as long as we are needed." After I'm finished they all nod. Then Feyre looks hopeful and asks "Can we bring my sisters too?" I sigh at the thought oh Nesta. "Of course darling." Its with it to see the brilliant smile spread across her face. Her relationship with her sisters has improved greatly. After Feyre had to fight Beron because he called Nesta a filthy human slut Nesta has finally been treating Feyre like they are siblings. I think Nesta was always a barrier between Feyre and Elain. But none of that matters anymore. Feyre ended up killing Beron. Now ties with the Autumn Court are better since Eris is High Lord. We find that now that we have gone through a portal we just have to think k about one and it will open. I look at Feyre and smile. We will be going home. To our family.

"You didn't have to do that Aedion"
Aedion looked confused "Of course I did. He was upsetting you." Aelin chucked and Evangeline leaned on Aelin's shoulder and said "I love you Aelin." Aelin looked doesn't with tears in her eyes and said "I love you too Eva." They were all quite for a moment when a though occurred to Aelin "I need to go to the healer. I should now how far along I am." After a moments thought she added "I want the three of you there. Elide and Manon too." They didn't hesitate as they agreed. Evangeline ran to tell the others to meet in The healers chambers tomorrow at 10:20.  They fell asleep with Lysandra on one side of Aedion and Aelin on the other with Evangeline.

The next morning
When everyone finally arrives the healer begins. She said I am much more far along then we thought. "It turns out Your Majesty that your are 4 months pregnant. I was able to find out the gender of the baby. Would you like to know?" At Aelin's nod the healer continued. "You will be having a girl." A girl. She looked at her closest friends and they all had tears streaming down their faces. They all politely thanked the healer and left. A girl. Aelin would have a baby girl. She knew that it want right. That this baby would remind everyone what Aelin had went through. But she couldn't help it. She was excited. She was going to be a mom. Those words have never sounded so good.

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