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Feyre hardly ever dreams anymore. When she does they are always awful nightmares about the war or Under the Mountain. Tonight the dream was different. She dreamed of a girl that had a roaring wildfire living inside of her. The girl had golden hair and turquoise with a ring of gold. She was stunning "
She was also in a dungeon. "Please send help. To a place in another dimension called Adarlan. My kingdom is called Terrasen. Please come and bring forces."The girl's cry for help startled her awake. Rhys was instantly awake. "What's wrong Feyre?"
"Adarlan. Terrasen. Send help. We have to go." Feyre was gasping for breath. "Feyre. Feyre calm down. Take a deep breath. Okay now tell me what happened." Feyre took a deep breath and began, "I had a dream it was a girl who looked exactly like more. They could have been twins except for the face that they had different color eyes. She was in a dungeon. She said to open a portal and come to a place called Terrasen in a country called Adarlan and to bring forces." She caught his disbelieving look. "Don't try to tell me-" Rhys cut her off. "I know. Look we really need to get everyone before I tell you this."

Once everyone was there Rhys told everyone what happened in Feyre's dream. "It was just a dream. Why did you call us up he in the middle of the night?" Cassian muttered. "Look can you just let me tell the story?" When nobody objected, he continued,"About 700 years ago two fae came into our world through a portal. They had blond hair and turquoise eyes ringed with gold. They told me that their kingdom had been attack by a power crazy king and they had to escape. Then they told me the story of their daughter. She was 8 when their kingdom was massacred. Her Uncle was the king and she was the next in line to rule. They told me they glamoured two bodies to look like theirs but the didn't get to their daughter in time. They kidnapped her. They had to leave her. After they told me this, they informed me the Evalin, the female, was pregnant. They couldn't bear the thought of having another child because they feared they would fail them like they failed their daughter. Once the child was born, a girl, they gave her to another family. Evalin and her husband went into hiding. I caught wind a couple of weeks ago that their daughter was still alive. Time passes differently in her world so it has only been 10 years for her. We have to open up a portal and go check. Feyre, Cassian and I will go and then report back in the mean time he rest of you will ready our forces. Understand?"
"Wait" Mor said. " I only have two questions. What kingdom did they come from and what family did they give their daughter to?" Rhys took a shaky breath "They came from a place called Adarlan." Amren paled. "We gave her to Kier." Mor looked confused. "But I don't have a sist-" she trailed off. "It's me isn't it? IT'S ME AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" She was so mad. "Don't even try to explain right now." Amren looked sick "I never told you where I was from or what I was, right?" They all nodded. "I am an Ironteeth Witch and I come from Adarlan. That place is my home. I am going with you." Amren stated firmly. "When do we leave."
"How does now sound" Feyre said
excitedly. "In the morning. We still have to summon Evalin and her husband."

Aelin gave the signal and spat a Maeve's feet. "Like hell they do." Maeve didn't even have time to respond as someone grabbed her and started running. Well that didn't take long. This fae was faster than any other. When the fae finally stopped running she smelled the familiar scent snow and pine. She was in Terrasen.
"Where is my court? Do they know I'm coming?" She stoped asking when she caught that scent. The scent she had come to love. She was running. Running as if she was being chased. She couldn't even talk as she crashed into Rowan. They stood there embracing for over a minute. When Aelin looked up she saw all the members of her court. She couldn't hold the tears back. She fell to her knees sobbing. They were all crying too. Lysandra said " I'm so happy that you are back but we need to get inside before someone sees you." Still at a loss for words, all Aelin could do was nod.

When they got inside of a beautiful building, they were using while they built an palace, they walked to something that looked like a meeting room. "Do you all want to go first or should I?" They decided she should go first she told them everything. Leaving out the part about her parents. They told her about all her allies and that Darrow and the others had accepted her as the rightful queen of Terrasen. Everything was good and well until 3 new scents stepped onto to the Terrasen ground. So it began.

I know that the ages and stuff don't really go together it is just best with the story this way. Please keep in mind that time passes differently in Prythian.

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