Chapter 4: A Unexpected Event

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No Date Velvet Room Evening

Somewhere in the middle of the night, both Ragna and Ruby woke up in limbo. In the limbo was Igor, Margaret, Thoedore, and Samuel. As they was looking at Ragna and Ruby, Igor introduced himself. "Welcome to the Velvet Room. My name is Igor... I am delighted to make your acquaintance." Igor introduced himself.

"Huh... W-wait, what? Where am I!? I thought I was asleep!" Both Ragna and Ruby exclaimed, they then both look at each other in shock.

Ruby: "Ragna?!"

Ragna: "Ruby?!"

"Do not be alarmed." Igor assured. "This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter... It is a room that only guests who are bound by a "contract" may enter... It may be that such a fate awaits you in the near future." Igor told them.

"Contract...?" They both ask confuse.

"Now then...Why don't you both introduce yourselfs...?" Igor ask.

Ruby: "Ruby... Rose."

Ragna: "Ragna... The Bloodedge."

"Hm... I see... You two really is our new guests." Igor commented as he smirked.

"Y'all... New guests?" Both Ragna and Ruby said a bit confuse.

"Indeed. Now, let's take a look into you guys future, shall we? Do you two believe in fortune telling? Each reading is done with the same cards, yet the result is always different...*chuckle*. Life itself follows the same principles, does it not?" Igor asked.

"Fortune-Telling? Oh...! O-Okay...?" Ragna and Ruby reply back. Igor began to shuffle the deck and placed several cards on the coffee table. And then drew a card, a tower stricken by lightning, from which two small figures fall down.

"The Tower of the upright position represents the immediate future. It seems a terrible catastrophe is imminent." Igor said, both of Ragna and Ruby was shock when they heard that info, "There's more... card indicating the future beyond that is... The Moon, in the upright position. This card represents "hesitation" and "mystery"...Very interesting indeed. It seems you both will encounter a misfortune within the future to come." Igor explained.

"That's pretty great, if you ask me. Right, Ruby?" Ragna said as he turn his head to her.

"Yeah, of course Ragna. Ohh... Is it saying that something's going happen?" Ruby guessed excitingly. "I've always wanted to be a hero. Like in those storybooks." She explained.

"Hmhmhm... Such a energetic guest we have. None the less... There will be times that you won't be able to understand the situation. and that will become a great folly." Igor mentioned. Both Ragna's and Ruby's enthusiasm dropped as they heard the long-nose's statement. "Do not fret, for you guys can overcome the obstacles that will be laid out in the future. If not alone, you two will be able to overcome it with others, such as..." Igor then reveals another tarot card that is shape of a star and has a face. "The Star... It represents inspiration and discovery. Hope and self-confidence... Such an intriguing fate. This one is quite rare..." He chuckled. "I believe that you two won't be alone in this journey." He told them.

"We... Won't...?" They asked.  Igor slowly blinked at them.

"In the coming future is a turning point in both of you guys fate... If left unfinished and unchecked, you two future may be forever lost. Our duty is to provide assistance to our guests to ensure that does not happen." After saying the piece, he noticed, from his view, another guest besides them. It seems he kept quite while he was explaining. Knowing that he recognizes the other guest, he soon realized something else. "Ah! I have neglected to introduce my assistants to you two. This is Thoedore and Samuel. Their are both resident of this place, like myself and Margaret here." Igor said.

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