Chapter 13: The Placement Exam, The Reason to Fight - Part 1

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No Date Velvet Room Evening

*Aria of the Soul

"Welcome to the Velvet Room." Theodore greeted as their guests vision cleared. Both Ragna and Ruby saw the same bar that both of them and Yu keeps visiting. It was only Theo and Sammie today. "We see that you two are now getting acquainted with your Wild Card ability?" Sammie asked, "No, not really." Ragna admitted, then Ruby stood up in annoyance. "Don't tell us that Ragna and I have to come here every night!?" She exclaimed., "Ruby!/Ruby-Chan!" Ragna and Yu both called out trying to calm her down. "What do you mean? Didn't you three come here yourselves?" Theo and Sammie asked. The five of them being look around the room if the others summoned them but then Yu found a slip of paper on the floor. "What's this?" He asked as he picked up. Ragna looked over his left shoulder, as Theo did the same on the right shoulder, Ruby and Sammie looked on the sides as they both keel down. "Huh? It looks like some sort of Poetry." Ruby answered as they read the passage:

Red like Roses fills my Dreams
And brings me to the place you rest.

White is Cold and always Yearning Burdened by a Royal Test

Black the Beast Descends from Shadows

Yellow Beauty Burns Gold-

"Waaaaah! Wait, nooo!" The five we're immediately interrupted by a familiar person yelling as she dive at Theo slamming her feet onto his back, sending him flying to the far end of the room. She then rushed towards Yu and snatched the slip of paper out of his hand. "What are you doing!? I mean... What are you doing!?" She staggered, "Reading... Poetry?" Ragna and Ruby replied as they turned to see Theo was face first on the ground, "You... Did you guys looked?" The Unfriendly-looking gril asked as her face grew slightly red. "Um... Yeah. The poetry looked good so far." Ruby answered, "Yeah, it sounded great." Ragna agreed with Ruby, "Y'all wha-?! Y-You two Stupidsleezygoodfornothinglittletwerps!" She Panicked much to both Ragna's and Ruby's surprise, as the two hunters in red look at each other in confuse. "What is going on here?" Margaret questioned as she entered the room. "Oh... I see." She said, reading the room as Sammie helped Theo back up to his feet, and he wiped the dust off himself. "Our master sent us on some errands. I believe that paper belongs to Marie?" Margaret told them, "Marie? Oh, that's a Nice name!" Ruby replied as she smiled at Marie who was still embarrassed, "... Shut up, little twerp." Marie muttered as she blushed. "A-Anyways, Just forget this happened! All of it! I'm hypnotizing you now! Sleep, sleep! You didn't see anything! Now, wake up!" She gestured the techniques, yet was not effective, "That... Didn't do anything at all, what so ever." Ragna told her, "That is quite an interesting reaction. Is what is on the paper really that embarrassing?" Margaret chuckled. "Excuse us. Now, once again: Welcome to the Velvet Room." She greeted. "I would like to introduce a new resident of the Velvet Room, who will be helping you on your journey." She stated as she looked to Marie as she kept silent. "... Marie?", "Yeah, I can hear. Nice to meet you." Marie greeted with a Bilious tone, Margaret sighed due to her rudeness. "Excuse her. This is Marie. Her soul is still very young and-", "H-Hey! Shut up! Don't tell them any more about me than you need to." Marie exclaimed as she then sat down at the bar, beginning to write something. "... I hear that you come here so often long ago?" Marie mentioned as she turned to Yu. "It doesn't matter to me." She stated, "I apologize sincerely. She is far too unruly for me to handle." Margaret sighed as the guests laughed, "It's no big deal, I'm quite rebel myself!" Ruby boasted as Ragna and Yu both clapped. "Your quite spirited. However, this is all to help the three of you on your journey." Margaret told them. Questioned marks appeared above Ragna, Ruby and Yu. "What do you mean?" Yu asked. "This room is inseparable from your fate. Nothing in this room happens without purpose... It seems that you and Marie had already met before you encountered both of Ragna and Ruby in this room." Margaret explained. "Encountering one who is not of man, and communicating with her... Your fates has led you to this meeting." She said, "What are you talking about? We've never met her before. Yu?" Ragna and Ruby turned to him, "I think so... But... One who is not of man?" Yu pondered. "Indeed. This room is the crossroads of your fates. You, the customers, and she who is not of man, who has wandered into this place. Where will this meeting lead? Excuse me for saying so, but we, too, are a bit interested in the outcome." She smiled. "Though she was in this land before you, in the end, Marie is not of man... In other words, her understanding of the world in which you live is incomplete. Therefore, I ask of you to please take her outside this room, if you would. But, of course, you may be occupied at certain moments in your journey, please ask her to go with you when you have time on your hands." She requested as she turned to Marie. "Okay, Marie?" She asked, "Wh... Whatever... Never mind." She sighed as she turned away, "Um... Well at any case, Milady/Mrister..." Theodore and Samuel addressing to Ragna and Ruby, getting their attention as they change the topic. "You both may have seen it, but you two have acquired certain Social Links?" Sammie asked, "What? Oh, that..." Ragna and Ruby muttered as they reflect on those parts yesterday. "Um, if it's possible, couldn't that be a little more subtle. I don't really think these... Links are that of a big deal..." Ruby pointed out, "Ah, yes... It seems the way you two form the Social Links a shown entirely different when one grows. Do not worry." Theo stated, consoling the Young huntress as their vision blurs. "Until then, farewell" Theo and Sammie bowed as their vision went Black.

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