Chapter 19: Black and White Part 1 - A Tale from Shadows

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No Date Velvet Room Evening

*Aria of the Soul

Welcome to the Velvet Room." Theodore greeted as his guest's vision cleared. Yu, Ragna, and Ruby were sitting on the same couch while Theodore, Samuel, and Margaret were sitting on separate chairs and Igor in the center. As the Velvet Room attendance were about to speak, Ruby stood up with a worried expression. "W-Wait, we need your help!" Ruby asked. "My friend Blake is missing. Have you seen-", "Ruby, wait a minute!" Yu told her as she look back at him. "I don't think they can help you guys like that." Yu stated, "What? Why not?" Ragna asked. Yu recalled what they said to him. "They can't directly get involve themselves in the real world. What they can do is to provide their service." He explained. Ruby slumped back to the seat in despair, as Ragna sighed frustrated while Theodore and Samuel each placed three Tarot Cards on the coffee table in front of them. "It seems the transpiring events broke off the connections to your fellow comrades." Samuel stated as she and Theo both slid the Empress Arcana upside down to the left and flipped the Hermit Arcana upside down to the right. "What does it mean...?" Ragna wondered, "It means you guys Wild Card abilities towards your friends will not be able to grow further until reconciliation is shown to one such" Theo explained. "The reasons behind this is more deeper to prove, should you two offer to mend the wounds of your bonds..." Sammie pointed out. Both Ragna and Ruby pondered about this, about the conflict between Weiss and Blake, regarding the White Fang. "Does this mean that... there's more to the reason why she ran away?" Ruby muttered, "The path you two choose, the choices you will make, will affect the bonds you both have acquired and soon forge. Remember this as both of you continue your journey." Margaret advised. As their conversation ends, their vision fades once more.

5/29 Vale Daytime

The next day Blake finally spoke a few words to the Monkey Faunus whose name is Sun. "Finally, she speaks!" Sun exclaimed. "Nearly two days and you given me nothing but small talks and weird looks." He said with her frowning at him. "Yeah, like that." He pointed out. Blake scoffed as began to say her piece. "Sun... are you familiar with the White Fang?" She asked, "Of course! I don't think there's a single Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them." Sun replied. "Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get what they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me." he added as Blake sipped her Tea diligently, "I was... once a member of the White Fang." She told bluntly, catching Sun by surprise, "*Cough* *Cough* Wait a minute!" Sun grasps for air as he looked around to see if anyone heard Blake. "'You were a member of the White Fang!?" He questioned through whispering, "That's right. I was a member for most of my life actually." Blake answered as she continued. You could also say that I was born into it. Things were different, back then, in the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity, between Human and Faunus." She told her story as she twirled her spoon in he tea, creating a yin-yang symbol with the cream. "Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings, and so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people." Blake explain, "Things really were different as history states." Shinjiro interject as he took a seat at their table with his food tray of Oolong Tea and a sandwhich. "And let me guess, you took part of their rally, right?" He added as he took his beanie off, revealing his wolf ears, "Yes, I was at the front of every rally, I even took part in every boycott. and I thought we were making a difference... but I was just a youthful optimist..." Blake continued as she looked down. "Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down and a new one took his place. A new leader with a new way of thinking. Suddenly their peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. They were setting fire to the shops that refused to serve them, Hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor, and the worst part was? It was working." Blake clenched her fists." We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect, out of fear." Blake finished as she finished her tea, "And the rest of your story, is that you left for good." Shinjiro added, "Correct, I decided that I no longer wanted to use my skills to in their violence. Instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress." Blake resumed as she gave off a sad expression. "So here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little, black bow." She mentioned as she wiggled her covered cat ears, "... I guess you haven't told your friends, yet. Didn't you?" Shinjiro guessed as Blake sighed in defeat. Sun looked between the two other Faunus and wondered. "You two seemed to know each other well. So what's your story, Shinji?" He asked, "Where to start..." Shinjiro groaned as he scratched his hair. "I ain't gonna go to my backstory, but me and my Team met her during a train raid." He said as he told his tale.

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