Chapter 23: Black and White Part 5 - Reach Out from the Shadows Part 1

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5/27 Beacon Academy Evening

Back at the Dorm rooms, Blake and Weiss continued to argue. "I don't understand why this is causing such a problem." Weiss told them. "That IS the problem!" Blake retorted. "You realize you are defending an orginization that hates humanity, don't you?" Weiss reminded. "The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil.", "There's no such thing as 'pure evil'! Why do you think they hate humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like 'you' that force the White Fang to take such drastic measure!" Blake stated. "People like me!?" Weiss questioned. "You're discriminatory!" Blake answered. "I'm a victim!" Weiss retorted. "You want to know 'why' I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus?" Weiss questioned. "It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched my family and friends disappear, board members executed, an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. I even had to forget about Jin, Tsubaki, and that... foreign dork of a person I called a friend so none of you wouldn't be targeted, I don't even know what's boy's been up to. And everyday, my father would come home furious, and that made for a very difficult childhood." She stated as she stare out the window for a few seconds, look back at Blake, "Weiss..." Ruby said as she tries to understand her. "No!" Weiss shrugged it off and approached Blake once more. "You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars! Thieves! And Murderers!" She exclaimed. "Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!" Blake retorted angrily as she then realized that she slipped a personal secret as Weiss stepped back upon realization. "I... I-" She stuttered as she bolted out the door. "Blake! Wait! Come back!" Ruby pleaded as she rush after her, but she simply vanished from the hallway, leaving her team conflicted.

*This Will Be The Day

5/29 Unknown Location No time of day


Blake groaned as she regained conscious rubbing her head. "... Where... What happened...?" Blake stuttered as she regained focus. "I remembered... *Gasp*" She gasped, recalling the Persona that looked like Izanagi. "I don't understand... was that Yu's..." She pondered but then took a good look around. She appears that she's no longer at the docks, but in a ruined building with what she see's are prison cells despite how foggy it was in the compound. Head was still spinning as she was still recalling everything up till right now. "That's right, Torchwick! I have to get out of here a find that bastard...!" She exclaimed as she proceeded onward to find an exit, unbeknownst to her that a silhouette of a child was spying on her with a grin.

*Backside of the TV

At another location, the remaining members of the Investigation Team, excluding Yosuke and Teddie, arrived at a huge compound with high wired fence with barbed wires surrounding a huge compound before them. "This looks like a prison of some sorts..." Shirogane assumed from the layout. "Knowing Blake-kun, she must be hurting from what the humans were treating her... I stutter from what she must have experienced..." Yukiko assumed with concern. "This isn't good..." Rise mentioned to her team. "The Shadow presence is so strong in this area, I can't seem to get a good fix of Blake-Kun's location" She said. "These Shadow presence here is still a lead, at least we should investigate this place." Yu suggested. "Ya' know? Maybe we should've brought Ted with us." Kanji mentioned with a second thought. "He could've snuff out Blake and we could get out of here real quick.", "But that would leave Ragna-Senpai, Ruby-Chan, and Jaune-Kun alone, seeing how they're new to this world..." Chie responded. "I'm confident that they'll manage on their own, they still have Yosuke and Teddie to help them." Yu assured to his team. "Just as much as we can do this.", "As usual, Senpai?" Shirogane chuckled as their leader nodded in response, entering the Prison of Despair. All of a sudden they heard the wall stated to cracking and then basted open, after that something fall over out of the hole in the wall, then hit the floor with five figures on top of the object getting up in pain. Taking a closer look the Investigation Team realize that the five people are Hazama, Kagura, Lambda, Saya and Tsubaki's shadows. "Ouch, that really hurts. God damn! Where are those six?!" Shadow Kagura asked as he rubbed the back of his head, "Let's just hope that, they didn't get themselves into trouble. They don't know what goes on in here, and I'm worried that something bad might happen to them." Shadow Hazama stated as he patted the dust off him, "Looking for y'all real self's?" Yu asked them. The shadows turn and looked at the Investigation Team and seemed relieved, "Huh? Oh man, are we ever glad to see you guys. And yes, we are looking for our real self's." Shadow Tsubaki told them, "We're also looking for the Faunus girl, with the black bow." Shadow Lambda reply, "Her name's is 'Blake'. We be happy to help you guys out." Kanji told them, "Really?! Thanks! we own you guys, a lot. Time to start searching!" Shadow Saya reply along with the rest shouting "YEAH!" and continue on.

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