Chapter 5: The First Step

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4/12 Beacon Academy Morning

Yosuke woke up by something that was constantly annoying. "Gooood Morning, Yosuke!" Teddie blurted out to him. The cartoon-ish Ursa was standing right over him as Yosuke sat up, groaning. "Today's the day of our initiation for a grizzly test! I'm so beary excited to part take in this!" He exclaims, "I wonder what we're gonna do today?" Teddie wondered as he jabbering his mouth while Yosuke was brushing his teeth. "And what a surprise! Ragna-Senpai and Ruby-Chan can both summon a bear-sona!? Now that was a beary surprising twist!" Teddie said with joy, "..." Yosuke scowled. He and the others woke up really early at one point and couldn't get enough rest. He didn't feel like replying to Teddie. "Ohh! That reminds me! They say we're gonna be in teams right? Hmhmhm! Maybe this adorable bear will be in a team of beautiful girls!" Teddie thought out loud while Yosuke rolled up his sleeping mat and yawned. "But then... Young Sensei can summon a persona... Maybe I can be on her team, but there's also Sensei #2, maybe I can be on his team!" He mentioned as he combed his hair, outside his costume. Yosuke twitched his eyes as Teddie continued. "Then again... my Sensei is still my Sensei, I should stay by his side... Then again, Ragna-senpai and Ruby-chan is new to this grizzly power, they might need help!" Teddie continued as Yosuke was eating his breakfast. "Oh my bear-noggin, who should I team up with!?" He pouted as he then stuffed himself with a lot of pancakes. "Oh, that's beary good...!" He said with his mouth full, "Hmmm... What should I do...? Should I help Young Sensei and Sensei #2 with their new powers, or should I stay with my original Sensei?" Teddie wondered as Yosuke was configuring his gear in his locker where he and his friends place their stuff yesterday. "Yosuke, what do you think?" He asked him.

"Teddie." Yosuke said.

"Yes, Yosuke?" Teddie reply.

"... SHUT UP ALREADY! You've been at it since this morning!" Yosuke yelled at Teddie as he flinched.

"Well is a good thing you took the coffee Yosuke." Jin mention to him while Tsubaki nodded her head as they both walk past the two.

"Huh? That's not the answer I was looking for." Teddie frown at him.

"Look, you've haven't attended school before, so don't expect me to help you with that." Yosuke retorted. "Plus, I'm still tired from this morning." He pointed out.

"But those two things aren't bear-lated! I'm just concern if Young Sensei and Sensei #2 both might be attack by the shadows." Teddie mentioned. "They don't attack normal people, even if they both have semblance. But Ragna-senpai and Ruby-chan has the power the shadows fear and they might attract them." Teddie reminded him.

"You mean, Ragna-Senpai and Ruby-Chan? Huh... Yeah, Shadows shouldn't appeared in the real world." Yosuke said as he equipped himself with everything he needs. "Anyways, let's go to the others." He motioned while taking a parcel with him. The members of the Investigation Team gathered around to talk about the Initiation Test and other details.

"*Sigh*" Chie sighed.

"Are you feeling okay, Chie?" Yukiko asked.

"Nnnngh... *Yaaawwn* I never expected to wake up this early." Chie grumbled.

"Who would ever expect something like that? I mean, shadows in our world? That's something that I never would." Rise followed.

"Under any circumstances, Shadows shouldn't even appear in the real world. We don't even know how they came to appear outside the TV world." Shirogane stated.

"Not to mention that Ragna-senpai and Ruby-chan was able to summon a Persona of their own." Yukiko added to the conversation. "I don't believe they face theirselves like we did last year." she'd mention.

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