chapter 4

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I have been visiting Sky everyday, feed her, play with her , she legit became my new best friend and she was quite lazy like me, most of the time either sitting or sleeping , but she played sometimes, she was relate-able.

I layed down on the grass and closed my eyes for a bit, thinking of how life is unfair sometimes, oh how most of the bad stuff happen to good people , you see i am a thinker, i like to think about everything, so this thought suddenly came to me, but even though lot's of bad stuff happen to good people that doesn't mean god forgot all about them and abandoned them, it just means in my opinion that god knows they are good and kind so he wants to test them, he wants to test if they will still be  as good when they are in a crisis and if they pass, they will be rewarded with a reward bigger than their crisis, which is why i think that patience is the solution for all problems out there and of course you need to do your best at finding a solution because the fact you are trying means you didn't give up, that's what i told myself.

my household has lots of problems as i said before, the biggest one is probably my dad's job, he is working at a company that sells clothes, well, this company isn't doing so well, it's that close into going bankrupt, well the solution for this problem is easy right? to just go and search for a new job, but the problem here is that the CEO of this company is dad's friend ho i personally don't like, in matter of fact i hate him... A lot, he didn't just use dad but he made our family bond go bad , what's worse is that dad is too nice, every time mom tells him to quit and go search for another company to work for as fast as possible because the older you get the harder it is to find a job, but dad is just too nice to the friend of his and he just keep on saying the same the same thing every time " it will get better, trust me , i know what i am doing"  , and that sentence made them get into lots of fights, and going to sleep hearing your parents fight isn't the best way to sleep, i am glad at least mom isn't asking for a divorce, but my wish is for dad to wake up and realize that that guy is using him, and that he is not a real friend, because a real friend will not use his friend like that.

I open my eyes after a while, just to find Chris looking at me, i was startled

" OH MY GOD YOU SCARED ME" "you should've said something"

"you were sleeping i didn't want to wake you up"

"so it's okay if you killed me cause of a heart attack but it's not okay to wake me up?, what kinda of logic is this?" i said jokingly

"well i am very sorry miss Rosie i didn't think it was that deep" he joked back

we laughed, then he said "didn't you sleep well yesterday? you look kinda tired"

" yeah i didn't sleep for two days, i have this extreme insomnia" "at this rate i might actually die" i said laughing.

"TWO DAYS?!!!, that's too much for your body to handle you need to sleep like right now"

"it's too hard to sleep though, the bed back home suddenly feels like a rock, i want to sleep but it's hard"

"then sleep here"


" you looked so comfortable sleeping here a while ago, so lay down and sleep"

"right now?"

"yeah, right now" "this is your cat right? i will take care of her while sleep so don't worry and just sleep" he then pushed me by my shoulder slowly till i laid down then he said " now sleep well", i replied "do you think it's that ea-" he interrupted me by playing some relaxing music and said in a very sweet voice " trust me, and close your eyes", to be very honest i was a bit scared because you know we were alone, a girl and a boy, in a forest but somehow his voice made me feel at ease and so i closed my eyes and fell in deep sleep.

Chris the took his jacket and covered sleeping Rosie with it and said "sleep well".

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