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Von hurriedly pushed the door back letting himself inside . Von's eyes traveled towards  Kilani ring finger , seeing a diamond ring glistening. This made Von feel angry immediately.

"Damn I see you just run off and get married." Von flopped on the bed .

"Don't wake my child up , and you can get the fuck out ." Kilani said crossing her arms .

"I must Admit, you done got so fine girl , them few pounds doing you justice, who the lame that's hitting that now." Von stood up staring Kilani in the eyes .

"Nobody that you should be concerned about." Kilani rolled her eyes.

"let me show you what you been missing ." Von palmed a hand full of Kilani's ass.

Kilani pushed Von away. "what the fuck! are you sick in the head, get out before I call security or something."

Kilani was tired of the games with Von she just wanted custody of her child and to move on with her life, but it seemed like Von had other things in mind.

Von was becoming angrier by the second he wanted Kilani , not intellectually but sexually, at the moment he didn't give a damn what he had to do, it had almost been a year of him not seeing her and any part of her would be just fine with him to take .

Von went over to Kilani getting in her face once more, grabbing her by her wrist.

"I swear to god Von, if you think you finna get some pussy from me, you got another thing coming." Kilani said trying to break from his grip.

"If you just stop prancing around like you so damn sexy you wouldn't be in this predicament. Now be still, damn!" Von said pinning Kilani on the bed .

Von started to kiss on Kilani's neck, letting his body fall on top of hers , out weighing Kilani's.

Kilani layed under Von struggling to get away from his grip and whimpering at the same time..

"Please Von my son is right there sleeping, please don't do this .

"Do you actually think I give a fuck, I ain't had you in a good minute, he'll be ight ."

Kilani looked over to her right seeing her blocked heels laying on the bed . Before she knew what she had done she had already reached over and hit Von in his face , watching him stumble over in agony.

"I tried to be nice to you bitch , but I see you wanna play dirty ." Von said spitting the blood out of his mouth.

Von charged  at Kilani punching her in the face , throwing her head up against the wall . Kilani looked up seeing Von about to punch her again and she closed her eyes, but the punch never connected with her face.
When she finally looked up her eyes met with An angry Carson .

"Don't you ever put yo hands on my wife muthafucka  ." Carson repeatedly kicked Von in the stomach.

"Broke ass , get yo ass up, since you wanna hit on women so bad ." Carson punched Von in the face again .

Kilani got up running to Carson side .

"Kilani get Jr and your purse and stuff and lets go ." Carson snapped .

Kilani looked over to a now awake Jr.

"Mommy what's going on ."
Kilani grabbed all of their things and picked Jr up sitting him on her hip .

"Mommy  will explain all of this later Jr, I promise ."

Enough is Enough 3: The Wife Where stories live. Discover now