30 (The Finale)Everything doesnt last forever💔

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Kilani stood over the grave, as she shook her head. Trying to gain the strength to say what she had to say to the dead corpse. She couldn't believe that her life had changed drastically over the last few years. Up and down as her monther use to say, a never ending roller coaster that's keeps on going . Kilani always lost the people whom she cared about the most , but this time it was different she felt like she hadn't lost anyone that was that important. She only did what she had to do to keep her family together.

"You know what, you tried to ruin my family, but god always has the last say so ."

Kilani stood back up straight and threw the red roses on the tomb.

"I guess we won't see each other in hell Raina, you made it before me ." Kilani said walking away.

Kilani turned to walk away and was greeted by her cousin Bailey and a smiling Carson .

Walking towards the car a conversation started to spark between Bailey and Kilani .

"You know what Kilani, when we were kids I didn't know you had balls like this, I mean I was always the one into fighting and boxing, you cried every time Kheon took you to the gym."

"I guess things change Bailey, if you've been through all the shit that I've been through you would feel the same." Kilani said stopping in front of another persons grave .

"You know what you right Kilani, people do change, including myself so once I found out that you have been seeing my husband Rashad  and that you had money I had to come look for myself ." Bailey said .

"What?!" Kilani said caught off guard.

"Yeah that's right you heard it from my own mouth, Rashad is my husband."
Bailey said taking out a small hand gun.

"It doesn't even have to go there." Carson said .

"Shut the fuck up Carson, y'all don't know shit , y'all don't know what it's like to be broke , sleeping on cold floors and right after I kill you Kilani me and Carson here is gonna go for a little trip to the bank so we can clean out your account and his; haha doesn't that sound fun?" Bailey said snickering in her annoying voice.

Carson pushed Bailey to the ground making her fall to the ground, including her hand gun. Kilani ran to pick it up, placing it in her hands aiming it at Bailey.

"And to think I actually trusted you, and this whole time you were setting me up for money to ." Kilani spat .

"Fuck you !" Bailey spit flew on Kilani's clothes.

I knew Carson should've killed you too when he shot Raina , feathers of a bird that rock together, flock together ." Kilani said with anger written all over her face .

"It's one thing I gotta tell you though Bailey ." Kilani said once more ."

"What's that?" Bailey said while Carson held her arms behind her back.

"Haven't you heard, that everything doesn't last forever, not even family bitch.!" Kilani said letting a bullet pierce through Bailey's skull.

"I got a shovel in the back bae , I'll handle this you go sit in the car." Carson said .

Exhausted wasn't even the word for how Kilani felt at the moment . Maybe one day she could finally be happy she thought to herself .

1 year Later ...

"Oou baby you smell so good." Carson said kissing the crook of Kilani's neck.

"Baby stop Carson I have to be at work in about an hour." Kilani said stretching out on the bed , waking up from her sleep.

Carson ignored Kilani's moans and groans , and continued to kiss on Kilani's body while biting his lips. Carson reached behind Kilani's back unhooking her bra letting her breast fall perfectly in front of him.

To Carson it was like gold had just appeared in front of him. Carson thought that Kilani had the perfect body , even with the small stretch marks that caressed her waistline from the babies. Kilani knew her husband wouldn't stop so she just layed back enjoying the foreplay.

Kilani grabbed Carsons face making him kiss her , their tongues collided making her world melt apart. They were in a good space , they had just renewed their vowes and hoped to better their future. Carson removed Kilani's underwear, kissing her golden prize, and positioned himself to go inside. Sucking on her breast, Carson inserted himself inside of his wife making her love come down .

Kilani grabbed Carsons back , forming an "o" with her mouth .

"Mommy, mommy " Jr called , and baby skyler was laughing all the way down the hall.

"You know what time it is bae , we gotta cut this short." Kilani said getting up covering herself with her robe.

"Ugh bae but I want it now ." Carson cried out.

"But don't I always make it up to you?" Kilani asked .

"Yes wife , and that's why I love you." Carson said getting up as well to see the kids.

Opening the door , baby Skyler crawled right in giggling while Jr ran into Carsons arms .

"Hey babies, Goodmorning

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"Hey babies, Goodmorning ." Kilani said to both of her children.

Kilani was finally happy, while holding baby Skyler she would've never thought she would have had another child again let alone get married and be with with the love of her life. From her teen years to adult hood was  the hardest times of her life and she still couldn't understand how she got through it .

"Hey baby the pastor just called and ask were we gonna be able to make it to church Sunday ." Carson said putting Jr. Down.

"Yes of course ." Kilani said happily.

"Carson I gotta hop in the shower you know I have to be at the hospital early today. " Kilani said hurriedly grabbing a small towel and a big one, heading into the shower.

Carson on the other hands got the kids dressed and fixed them oatmeal for breakfast. Carson was officially done with the game, and started to invest his money into real estate and owning houses . He felt pretty good with what he had accomplished and wanted to be a better role model for both of his children.


Kilani walked inside of Orlando children's Hospital with her head on her shoulders, determined to have a wonderful day today.

"Mrs Kilani I think I broke my arm." Josh a red headed kid held his arm up for her to see."

"Oh Josh it's not broken , but it sure does look swollen, I'll fix it for you."

Just another day of being a doctor. Kilani thought to herself while smiling .

THE END !!!!!!!

Thank you guys for reading  my books .This actually the first of many series that I've completed and I'm so very proud of myself . Please *make sure you vote and comment * and if you would like for me to write a particular story of your choice please comment BELOW 👇🏾👇🏾 Thanks LOVES ❤️

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