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Raina POV

...Next Monday

Raina stood outside of Carsons door knocking on it for the third time before it finally opened.

"Damn took y'all long enough, is Carson here ?." Raina said looking over Kilani's shoulder.

"Yeah he'll be down in a second." Kilani said with her hand on her hip.

"Um you can come in if you want ." Kilani said opening the door for Raina to step in.

"Y'all have a nice house, I bet you feel lucky that he even married you, y'all got money for days right ?" Raina said with jealousy in her voice .

"To be quite honest with you, marriage ain't all what it hoped out to be, it damn sure ain't easy and I don't need Carson for shit, he does for me because that's what a man is suppose to do." Kilani said looking dead at Raina.

"Well I can't wait til my money start rollin in as good as yalls are ." Raina said still looking around the spacious house.

"I hope you not talking about child support from Carson ?" Kilani said laughing.

"Who else would I be talking about ?" Raina said smiling back .

"You know what Raina, I hate to break it to you but I --"

"Aye you ready ?" Carson said coming down the stairs .

"Yes Carson we taking the same car right ." Raina said smiling extra big .

"Nah you can drive , drive yo own piece of shit ." Carson said reaching the bottom of the steps .
Raina mugged both of them and watched as Carson tongued down Kilani in front of her.

Raina hated them both , and she definitely couldn't stand Kilani, that's alright though she thought to herself. The whole reason she was dating Bailey was to talk her into getting rid of Kilani for her.

"You ready ." Carson said to Raina snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah." Raina replied and they both headed out the door .



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Kilani pov

"Hey girl. What you up to ?" Kilani said to Bailey as she put the phone up to her ear .

"Nothing much, boo but I do have some tea to spill to you." Bailey said pausing .

"What is it Bailey?"

"Girl. So this hoe Raina is one sneaky ass bitch." Bailey said laughing over the phone .

"How you figure ." Kilani said sitting down on the couch taking her shoes off .

"She was in such a rush to get to y'all house she forgot her phone, and let's just say these messages say otherwise about that baby inside her stomach ." Bailey said through the phone .

"Keep talking ." Kilani said .

"There's messages in her phone from a week ago talking to some guy named Rah, she was just telling him that she was pregnant and he even said he got her pregnant on purpose , but he don't won't nothing to do with the baby ." Bailey said.

"Ain't that bout a bitch ." Kilani said out loud.

"See you always got me up to some sneaky shit ." Bailey said laughing.

"I thought you liked the gay life ." Kilani said back.

"Girl nawl, not Raina , I gotta hurry up and get outta here , her apartment dirty as hell." Bailey said back .

Kilani couldn't contain her laughter .

"Thanks Bailey, you always come through for me , Im Finna text Carson and ask when they heading here , ima need you to come to my place , and bring the phone too Raina got some explaining to do ."

"I got cha ." Bailey said hanging up the phone.


*1 hour later ...

Bailey and Kilani both sat on the couch waiting for Carson and Raina to pull up .

"Carson just texted me they pulled up ." Kilani said to Bailey .

"Both of the ladies stood up.

Hearing foot steps and the door unlocking, Kilani knew it was Carson.

When the door flew open, Carson walked in and so did Raina.

Raina looked up noticing Bailey, wondering what she was doing here.

"What you doing here Bailey? I know this bitch didn't try to call you and brain wash you into thinking that this baby wasn't Carsons ." Raina said moving further into the house .

"Nah listen here bitch , we know you fake as fuck , and that ain't even Carson baby that's in your stomach." Bailey said to Raina.

Carson frowned up his face .

"Where is all this coming from , why y'all doing this, what the hell is going on ?" Carson said confused .

"Baby listen to us , she's been trying to play you the whole time , that's not your baby and she knows that . Kilani said pleading with Carson .

"Kilani are you out your fuckin mind ?" Carson said getting angry.

"See for yourself ." Bailey said throwing Raina's phone at Carson .

Carson caught it and immediately looked at the messages . Pain was written all over his face .

"See I knew one of y'all bitches would try some slick shit. " Raina said taking out a gun.

Everybody looked up , shocked .

"See Kilani I was gonna spare you when I saw Carson tryna come around , but now bitch you don't crossed it, and Bailey bitch I should've knew you was grimey , dirty bitch. I'll see y'all in hell bitches .


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