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Thornclaw padded through the fallen foliage, the dead leaves crumbling beneath his paws. His heart felt heavy, along with his paws, and he just wanted to go back to camp.

But he had saw Blossomfall go back to camp, and right mow, he didn't want to see his former mate. But he had to tell his kits... He had to tell them, or they'd hate him for whatever was left of his lifetime. He had to see them.

The golden-brown tabby turned his blue gaze through the dark forest, the trees looming threateningly above him. But he couldn't be scared of his home. It was his home.

"Come on, Thornclaw. Get back to camp. Go tell your kits." He growled to himself quietly.

The ThunderClan warrior took a few steps, hearing the chirping of crickets in the distance, the almost mechanical repetition calming him. He shook his head, licking his lips once before continuing forward through the deciduous trees, their soothing scents calming him a bit.

A squirrel raged throtgh the trees above him, probably preparing for leaf-bare, twittering away along with the few birds that remained awake. He continued to pad through the forest, the sounds of the forest surrounding him.

He could hear the tender speaking of his Clanmates ahead, their mews echoing through the dark forest. His pace sped up, wanting to make it back to camp so he could speak to his kits.

But it was too late. As he padded into camp, calling out Eaglepaw's name, his daughter turned her head, looking at her father with tears in her eyes.

At that moment, Thornclaw broke. He felt everything fall apart. His legs just seemed to break as he fell to the floor, his heartache worse than anything else.

First he lost his former mate's respect, then he lost his kits' love. He couldn't take it. It was too much for him. He could hear his kits' voices callimg his name as he succumbed to the threatening darkness in his gaze, its emptiness seeming like comfort.


"Thornclaw! Wake up! Thornclaw! Dad!" A distant yowling could be heard. It sounded almost panicked. It was afraid and worried, tense. "Please, dad! Please wake up!"

A sort of wet substance fell onto Thornclaw's cheek, making its path down his face, stopping at his chin. It stayed there, stone cold and resting.

It was as if the one tear triggered an emotional reaction within the normally serious tom. A tear came from his eye, winding down his face, landing on the moss he was laying on.

Wait, moss? Where was he?

His light blue eyes opened, and he spotted the ginger pelt of his daughter, Eaglepaw, her eyes closed, tears trickling down the sides of her face, her muscles tense with fear.

"Please, dad... Please come back!" She cried, not noticing that her father had opened his eyes, and saw her crying.

"E-eaglepaw..." He whispered, his voice  hoarse. "I'm here... I'm awake..."

"T-Thornclaw?" She whispered, opening her beautiful eyes. "Y-you're awake! Dad, you're awake! I have to tell Stempaw, Shellpaw and Plumpaw. They'll be thrilled! They're training now, but I asked Berrynose if I could stay in. He told me I could."

"Oh, that's great..." He whispered, lifting his head up. "What happened?"

"Well, you just fell... Jayfeather wouldn't let us near you... But Leafpool told us that you had a heart attack... She said she was surprised that you were still alive... I remember Purdy went quick when he had his, erm, heart attack..." She whispered, obviously not knowing much about the dead elder. "I don't..."

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