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As the ThunderClan camp slowly woke, he stood. He was waiting for dawn, the start of a new day. Its faint gray light was visible over the tip of the hollow, sending almost a warning. Dawn was approaching, and she would not stop for anything. The leader emerged from his den atop highrock, his dark brown pelt a shade lighter with the sunrise.

"Good morning, Bramblestar." The tom chirped, sounding unusually happy. "How are you?"

"I'm fine..." Bramblestar mewed, sounding taken aback by his sudden cheerfulness. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I have a wonderful Clan, and great friends!" He responded, standing up. "Can I go on Dawn Patrol? Where is Squirrelflight?"

"She's not feeling that great, she's got a cold. I told her to sleep, that I'd organize patrols. I think I'll have Cinderheart, Brackenfur and you on patrol, then. Any maybe someone else... How about you choose? You can lead, seeing as you're actually awake."

Thornclaw nodded sternly, padding back to the den, trying not to hit anyone with his large paws. He spotted his brother in the back of the den, his paws grabbing his nest, his claws flexing. He seemed almost scared... Brakenfur was still struggling from the loss of his mate, and every day, Thornclaw could see the pain reflected in his amber eyes, wide open, grasping for hope, trying to hold onto the next day like a treasure.

The tabby tom padded over to him, gently touching his shoulder with his paw, smiling slightly. "Hey, Brackenfur. We've got dawn patrol." He whispered, trying to keep his voice calm and smooth. "I'll get the others."

He padded over to Cinderheart. Seeing the blue-gray she-cat reminded him of his sister. The two were so alike. It wasn't surprising they had actually been the same cat. He sighed, poking her shoulder with his paw.

"Hey, Cinderheart. We've got dawn patrol. Come on. Let's go." He whispered, yawning.

She opened her eyes, yawning widely. Thornclaw just chuckled, walking over to Spiderleg's nest where he lay, curled up into a small ball, his black pelt nearly invisible in the dim light. The tabby tom bopped his forehead, smiling, truly unaware of how happy the brown and black tom made him.

"Dawn patrol, Spiderleg. Let's go." He whispered.

The golden-brown tom padded out into the clearing, spotting Brackenfur and Cinderheart standing, casually conversing. He padded over to his brother and niece, curling his tail happily.

"And how are you two doing this morning?" He asked, clearing his throat. "I'm doing absolutely wonderful!"

Brackenfur gave him a strange look, his pupils dilating. "Well, I'm better than I have been. Life could be worse. Soon, I suppose I'll retire to the elder's den. I'll live out the rest of my life there. That seems nice..." He purred. "I'm guessing you won't join me. I suppose with someone young like Spiderleg by your side-"

"What?! Spiderleg and I aren't mates!" Thornclaw protested, blushing furiously. "Just close friends! We have more similarities than we did... It's just awkward, thinking you would think we're mates!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Thornclaw. It just seems that way, the way you two act. Honestly." The old tom purred teasingly, hitting his brother's shoulder with his tail.

Thornclaw just glared at the tabby tom, lashing his tail. Deep down, his heart felt warm and fuzzy, something he had never really felt before. He felt his pelt heat up, and he licked his chest subconsciously, blushing. He continued to look the same outwardly, but something had shifted on the inside. He was different...

The ThunderClan warrior turned his gaze to Spiderleg, smiling sheepishly as the tom exited the den, his tail curled, his pelt messy from sleeping. He smiled back, padding over. "So, are we going?" He asked, his voice crystal clear. "Or are we just going to star at each other all day...?"

"Oh! Sorry! Yeah, let's go." Thornclaw mewed quickly, clearing his throat and blushing. "To WindClan."

The old tom padded out of camp, his tail curled around his flank, happiness ensuing throughout his chest, his heart exploding into thousands of small shards, shooting at his ribcage. He really was happier when he was with Spiderleg. Brackenfur might have been onto something when he thought the two were mates. But that was ridiculous, Spiderleg would never fall for him! He was too old and angry. He couldn't change...

"Hey, Spiderleg. Could you go mark the border with Cinderheart? I need to talk to Brackenfur." Thornclaw requested, smiling at the two. "Have fun!"

Spiderleg nodded seriously, his amber eyes glinting in the light. He turned around, flocking to the WindClan
border, Cinderheart trailing him to the stream, the both of them disappearing into the bracken. Thornclaw sighed, turning to his brother.
"Brackenfur.." He murmured, his blue eyes meeting amber ones. "I think... I think you're right. I think you're right, Brackenfur."

"Right about what? You have to be more specific than that!" He laughed, a good-natured expression in his eyes.

"Well, I think I have a crush on Spiderleg. I really think I do. Something about him. When he's near me, I feel something. My heart beat speeds up, I get all flustered... Is that how you felt with Sorreltail?"

"I did. A bit, at least. She was wonderful, before we became mates. I felt like I could stare at her all day and never get bored. I felt like I could be with her my entire life, and more, and never once get mad at her. I felt like I could be with her forever." The golden-brown tom murmured seemingly dazed. "She was amazing. I love her still. And I know that I'll be happy with her forever when I see her at last in StarClan."

"I feel like I could just stare at Spiderleg. He's so wonderful. He's been one of my closest friends, one of the only cats I can rely on through this whole problem. You know, Blossomfall is expecting kits? My former mate is having my kits.. I told Spiderleg that before I told anyone else. I relied on him, because I almost felt like he would understand. He's been there.. He's there to keep me company. And I'm not saying you haven't, because you are an incredible litter mate, but I just always felt like I could tell him anything. Everyone needs a break from family, and he's the one I go to when I need that break. He understands how I feel. He has kits.. A kit. He loves her. I just feel like he understands my pain more than anyone else."

"I think you do have a crush on him, Thornclaw. Everything you're telling me, you need to tell him. He needs to understand how you feel." Brackenfur urged, touching noses with his brother. "Because you care for him, and I don't think he understands how much you do."

"I can't just tell him that! He-he'll never love me! He'll never understand, because he likes she-cats, not toms! He can't understand." He protested, his fur spiking with alarm.

"I assure you, he will." Brackenfur' eyes remained a calm amber, not emotion flashing through them. He was calm as a mouse in winter.

Thornclaw shook his head, turning away, doubts and worry racing though himself like a hare. He ran to the WindClan border, meeting up with Cinderheart and Spiderleg, who were finishing marking it. He offered them a smile that was returned gratefully.

"Alright! Are we ready to head back to camp?" He rushed through his words. "Or are done- are you done?"

The golden-brown tabby cursed under his breath, shaking his head, looking back at Brackenfur, who stood at the edge of the forest, a look of pure love on his face. He smiled to his brother, waving his tail in a gesture to come. He nodded, gathering the other two warriors, walking back up the small slope.

"Alright, back to camp!" He yowled, tearing through the forest leaves like a hawk through the sky, his tail flying out behind him.

As the ThunderClan warrior approached camp, he slowed down, surprised to find Spiderleg stopping next to him, panting. "Whew! Nice run!" The brown and black tom exclaimed, grinning. "I need to do that more often!"

Thornclaw just nodded, not really wanting to talk. He entered camp, spotting Eaglepaw and Stempaw leaving camp with their mentors, seeming excited to go train. He greeted his two kits, receiving a small greeting from Stempaw, and a nuzzle from his daughter. The two rushed away into the forest, their pelts quickly disappearing in the orange and brown leaves.

The tom entered camp, crawling into the warrior's den, eager to sleep on his thoughts.

I apologize for the incredibly long wait. I have not been motivated... I am going to try to publish at least two more chapters before summer ends!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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