2. A Free Woman

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It was early the next morning and Delia went to work in the kitchen like she normally would've, but this time is was a little different.

Before Ms. Margaret died, she would have Delia come up to her room and teach Delia how to read and write in the mornings and by lunch time, she would go back downstairs and help the other girls with cleaning the kitchen back up.

Delia noticed a man coming in and out, moving Ms. Margaret's things out from upstairs.

He carried a large wooden chest and hurled it on the back of the wagon and carted it away, while another man dressed in a tailored suit carrying a briefcase came into the house, stayed for about thirty minutes and left.

She figured that must've been the lawyer to read over Ms. Margaret's will and confirm that she is indeed, a free woman. "Delia, masta Bradford wants to see you." A girl said coming into the kitchen

Delia did her best not to show her slight excitement as she just nodded her head and went on her way.

She came to the door of his study and quietly knocked on it. "Come in." He said as slowly turned the door knob and walked in with her head down and hands clasp together

"Uhm, you wanted to see me, sir." She said quietly as he continued to write on a paper.

"Yes I did. But I first want to ask you, what does this paper read?" He asked as he held up a thick stack of paper that said Living Will and Testament of Margaret Bradford on the front in big, bold letters as Delia quickly dropped her head

"I don't know, sir."

He snorted, "Don't lie to me gal, of course you do. How else would you know this even exists. I know Margaret taught you how to read and probably write as well, but do you want to know something?"

"What's that, sir?"

"I could have you hung for reading, did you know that?!"

"Yes sir." She said sadly

"But, I'm going to be nice about it and not hold it against you, after all, my wife had nothing else going for her, and what better way to spend her time, than teaching some nigger to read and write." He said while packing dried tobacco in the head of his pipe

"As stated in Margaret's will, that in her untimely demise she would grant one, Delia Bradford, her freedom." He read as Delia felt the joy rising up in the pit of her stomach

"Which would make you a free woman.." He said lighting his pipe
"However, according to this paper I have on you, Delia Bradford is owned by Elliot and Margaret Bradford, with my name signed at the bottom, but not Margaret's. As a matter of fact, Margaret didn't sign any papers dealing with slaves."

"Which also means that I alone, own you and every other slave on this plantation. You are my property and I say you're not going anywhere. Freedom, denied." He said while smoking on his pipe and putting the papers away

"But sir, I-"

"Don't back talk me!" He yelled as he angrily stood up and approached Delia

She swallowed the lump in her throat and shakily stepped back. "Who do you think you are, huh? You think you deserve some special treatment just because my wife liked you?! No one is above me around here and I'll knock you right down where you belong. Do you understand me, gal!?"

"Yes sir." She said shakily

"Your mammy worked her fingers to the bone to serve me and your father broke his back for me, and now you must think that you're better than them." He said in a taunting voice

"No sir, I don't." She said trying not to let tears escape her eyes

"Good, because you're not. You're just another nigger girl who can be replaced at anytime I wish." He said as he went to go sit back down in his chair behind his desk

"I wonder what's so fascinating about you, that Margaret would spend the entire day with you, I would like to know for myself. So from now on, your new job is to personally serve me. You will wake me up at 6:30 and have my breakfast on the table at 7.
At 12, you'll have my lunch and bring it to me, and at 7:30 you'll have dinner on the table and for the rest of the time you will carry out the rest of my chores."

"Yes sir."

"Good, now go." He shooed her off as she left out of the room with a heavy heart.

She thought finally, she would be able to be free, but just as quick as her hopes were built up, they came crashing down.

She went back into the kitchen and began to help get lunch together as one of her friends, Emilee was coming in with a basket of vegetables.

"Hey Delia, how's it goin?" She asked sitting the basket on the counter

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"Hey Delia, how's it goin?" She asked sitting the basket on the counter

"Same old, same old. Times like these where I wished my momma were here."

"I know you're still hurt about Ms. Margaret and all, but I hate to say it but, you're gonna have to move on. She's gone and there ain't nothin we can do bout it."

Delia sighed as she began to chop the carrots, "I know, and you're right I should move on."

"Sho' nuff, or you know who will make you move on." Emilee whispered

"Don't remind me." Delia mumbled

"You know it's only been a day and already he's throwing her stuff out like yesterday's trash. How cruel can one person be."

"Speed it up girls, there's no time to waste. We don't have all day for you two to be standin around flappin yo gums. Let's getta move on."

"Yes Ms. Flo, we sorry." Emilee said helping Delia chop the carrots

"Don't be sorry, I ain't got time for no sorry's."

After Emilee and Delia finished getting the lunch together, Delia arranged it nicely on a tray and took it upstairs to master Bradford's study

"I want you to go clean out Margaret's study room. Take all of the books down and put them in the trunk and throw everything else away." He instructed as he unfolded the crisp, white napkin and placed it in his lap

"Yes sir." She left out of the room and went down the hall to Margaret's private study.

Delia will truly miss her days spent in here as Margaret taught her many things that Delia wouldn't have dreamed of.

She sparked a flame within Delia to want to learn more, but this would be the worst time, seeing as how Margaret is no longer here to protect and teach it to her

What she learns from now on, it's up to herself to apply what she already knows and go forth with her learning.

Are we runnin or nah?

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