10. All Falls Down

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• 1 month later •

It was dinner time and as usual, Delia was the one serving.

By this time, she's pretty much all healed up from her 'operation' but at times, she can still feel the pain down below, especially when it's that time of the month or when master Bradford forces himself onto her

At this point, she stopped fighting. She would struggle and pray that he stopped, but it seemed like the more she did, the more forceful he would get, so she just gave up

All of her freedom and joy has left and everything that she ever lived for is either dead or gone.

She hardly talks to anyone anymore because she doesn't want to cause anymore trouble or cause someone great harm, so she just keeps to herself.

She went to go refill his glass when she felt his hand slide across her backside. "You're starting to grow on me, you're just like your mammy, she always did have a nice backside to feel on." He said roughly squeezing her as she stood there with her eyes closed and imagined to be anywhere else but here

"You're done serving for tonight, but I've got other plans for you. I want you in the bedroom with all of your clothes off and warm the bed up."

"Yessir." She said with her eyes closed as she turned around, put the pitcher back on the serving tray and went upstairs

He happily sat back and enjoyed the rest of his food as he thought of all the fun he's going to have later on.

It was a peaceful quiet throughout the house as the only thing being heard was the clinking of his silverware hitting the plate and the sound of him chewing.

A figure lurked behind a wall, staring in at master Bradford.

His attention was focused on the food until he heard a noise.

"Who's there?" He simply stated as he continued to eat.

Suddenly, Coleman emerged from behind the wall as master Bradford slightly laughed.

"What a pleasant surprise, you couldn't just stay away. This is the dumbest thing you could've ever done."

"I'm here to get what's mine."

"And what's that?"

"My wife, Delia."

He snorted in laughter, "Delia belongs to me and it will remain that way until I say so."

"I don't care whatchu say, she's comin with me!"

"You just don't learn do you? I try to be nice and let you off easy, but what do you? You make the biggest mistake of coming back, well you know what, this time around I'm not going to be nice to you. I'm going to hang you and then use your dead body as fertilizer to grow my cotton." He said as he took a sip of his drink

"Besides, you're too late to rescue her anyway. I already had her fixed so she couldn't bare any children and it's not like you can either." He laughed
"I got her just like her mammy, well trained and isn't going anywhere."

"All by force and your threats."

"Damn right, and I'll do again if I so feel like it. I took her by force almost every night and then that so-called husband of hers just couldn't mind his own, so I killed him.
I took great joy in watching him die, just like I will take great joy in watching you die, and after that, every night I had her mammy until she finally couldn't take it any longer and then that leaves Delia, to which I can have at anytime. So you see, you can't win no matter what you do. Delia will always be mine and there's nothing that you or anyone else can do about it!" He proclaimed as he felt something sharp pierce him in the side of the neck

He brought his hand up to his neck to feel a small steak knife sticking out of his neck and blood began to drop down the side and onto his hands and stain the front of his shirt and his eyes bulged as he saw Delia standing behind him

"You bastard, you killed my parents and my friend." She said with angry tears in her eyes

"And you're next you little spoiled runt! I'll show you something, the both of you!" He said trying to reach at her but she quickly went to Coleman's side

"You two won't get away with this... You'll be back... You'll always be mine." He said as he began to fade from the blood loss

"Rot in hell where you belong." Delia said as she grabbed Coleman's hand and they ran out of the house.

They went out to the front by a big oak tree in the front where Coleman tied a horse up. "How did you get here and where'd you get the horse?"

"It's a long story and we got a long way to go." He said helping her up on the horse

"I don't mind the long journey, the journey to freedom." She said as he took off on the horse leaving a trail of dust behind.

**** FIN ****

I hope you enjoyed the story, and thank you for all of the reads, likes and comments, I greatly appreciate it.

Let me know what you think and again, thanks for stopping by.


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