THE GAME : 14 ( The Talk .. )

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| Later That Day .. |

• { E R I C A } •

"Grab what you guys want and then meet me in the front." I said and the kids took off. I already know where they're going. To the candy section.

Lee didn't comeback from dropping Ma'Leah off and I seen she had the grocery list on the fridge. So, I took the opportunity to go do the groccery shopping for her with the help of Lindsey and Eric. 

Hopefully it can lift some of the anger off of her shoulders. But knowing Lee, it probably won't.

* : *

"Your total is $283.50." The cashier said.

"Gah damn Lee." I mumbled and Lindsey and Eric laughed. I paid the groceries on the card and then Lindsey grabbed the receipt and we went load the truck getting inside.

When we got home, Lee was just heading inside 

"Mom's home!" Eric said.

After unloading everything, Lindsey and Eric came in the kitchen where Lee and I was. I was just about to start talking when Linds cut me off.

"Dad, Can we go to Aunt Sharon's house?" She asked. I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked

She shrugged. "I miss her. And, I want for you and Mom to have some alone time and talk." She said.

Lee stopped what she was doing on her phone and looked at Lindsey. "What?" She asked.

"I said I want for you and Dad to talk. Eric and I are tired of you guys always fighting. So, we're gonna go to Aunt Sharon's house, and you two will talk everything out ," She explained. She looked at me. "So Dad, can we go?" She asked.

"Y -"

"No! You two aren't going anywhere. Your fine here." Lee said cutting me off.

"Come on Lee, lettem go. She's right anyways. I do have something to talk to you about." I said then looked at Lindsey. "Call her and you guys can go."

Lindsey smiled. "I knew you was gonna say that, I already called her and she's on her way!" Lindsey squealed and I laughed shaking my head as they ran into the living room.

I looked at Lee who was looking at me then she rolled her eyes.

"What's so important that you needed to speak gonna about? So important that the kids had to leave the -"

"Our marriage.." I said. She stopped talking and stared at me.

"What? What ab -"

Ding Dong !

"I GOT IT!" Eric opened the door and my Aunt Sharon was on the other side.

"Aunt Sharon!" The kids screamed hugging her.

"Hey guys. Where's Mamas?" She asked.

"In here!" I yelled and she came in the kitchen.

"Y'all going somewhere?" She asked and I shook my head. "Then why y'all trynna run my babies? Y'all trynna have sex?" 

Lee bust out laughing. "Omg Ms. Sharon, no!" Lee said. You could tell she was embarrassed.

"We're working on our marriage and I wanna talk to her. I don't want the kids around to you know ... hear everything. They already hear half the shit we argue about. Especially Lindsey. It was her idea for this." I said and she nodded.

"That's my Linds." Aunt Sharon said and I grinned nodding.  "Well .. I'll let you guys get to talking.. Where's Ma'Leah?"

"She went to Florida with her friend ," Lee answered.

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