THE GAME : 43 ( Emergency )

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The Next Day ..

• | NICOLE | •

I looked at the time, 12:45 PM.

"She's been sleeping for a long time." I said wiping the counters. My mom laughed looking in the newspaper.

"I heard you yelling last night, what was going on?" Ol

I sighed rolling my eyes. "She's trying to get back in touch with Erica. I'm not gonna let her. She don't enough. So I grounded her." I said and my mom shook her head.

"Nicole that is her mom too. Maybe she just misses Erica. Just let her see Erica " My mom said. I shook my head.

"I'm not Mom. I'm not allowing her to see Erica. She almost killed us!" I said putting the dish rag in the sink.

"Nicole baby I understand, but if she wants to see Erica, let her see Erica. You can't stop her from -"

"Mom last time I checked the same shit I'm saying, you was saying it." I said.

"And the last time I fucking checked, I was pushing your ass out and you was calling me mama so stop the fucking cussing at me!" My mom fussed and I rolled my eyes looking out the window. "Now like I was saying, your gonna let that baby see her other mom and that's final!" She yelled walking out the kitchen 

I sighed. I hate it when my mom isn't on my side.

I was sitting at the patio looking around when I heard a scream. I jumped up.

"NICOLE CALL 911!" My mom yelled from the stairs. I ran upstairs.

"What's going on?" I seen the blood on her hands. My eyes widened. "Mom .. where's Naveah?" I asked slowly.


I ran to Naveah's bedroom and didn't see her. Heart bearing fast and everything. I looked over in her bathroom seeing a pool of blood like my mom said around Naveah as she laid on the floor.

"NAVEAH!!" I screamed and broke down in tears. I walkes in the bathroom seeing a razor blade about a inch away from her free hand and the other one had blood on it. I dropped to the floor shaking my head. "MY BABYY!!!" I cried. I checked for a pulse and she still had it. But she wasn't breathing as much.

"The ambulance are on they're way. Omg what happened?!"

"Mom I told you, I grounded her and walked out! She must've came in here and did this." I said looking at Naveah. "God please don't take my baby girl." I pleaded.

* : *

My mom and I were sitting in the waiting room patiently. I was bawling in her arms. This is all my fault. If I would've never grounded her, none of this would be happening. We wouldn't be here right now.

"She been laying there since last night."  My mom said. "We're lucky she's not dead right about now. And we're gonna continue to pray she stays alive" She said and I sighed sniffing wiping my tears.

"I'm a bad mom .."

"No no Nicki, you aren't. Kids need punishment for they're actions. It's apart of life. Your not the only mom that grounds her kid." My mom said. "Now what you need to do is, call Erica." I sat up looking at her.

"Mom I'm not gonna call E -"

She raised her hand up. "Nicole we had this discussion already. I need for you to get this phone and call Erica, now." She said handing me her phone. I sighed dialing Erica's number.

• | ERICA | •

"Your ankles are swollen." I said massaging Cassidy's ankles. She laughed.

"Erica I'm pregnant " she said.

"So your ankles are gonna be swollen?" Before she could answer, my phone started ringing. I picked it up seeing an unknown number. A number from the next city. I answered. "Who is this?" I asked.

"Erica, its Nicole.."

I got up. "Nicole? How'd you get my -"

"Erica there's no time for questions, you need to get here at the hospital!"

"Woah, slow down! What's going on?"

"Naveah, she cut her self and now she's unconscious. Please come!" She cried. 

I sighed. "Alright man I'm on my way "

I hung up putting on my shoes. "Shit man!" I yelled.

"Who was that?" Cassidy asked.

"Nicole .. Naveah's in the hospital. Come on, we have to go." I said grabbing the keys to the Range Rover and Cassidy got up 

"Wait, my slippers!" She screamed wobbling upstairs. I laughed at her penguin run.

* : *

I ran inside. "WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!" I yelled.

"Mam we're gonna need for you to calm down." The nurse said.

I sighed walking to the waiting room. "Erica would you slow down, I'm pregnant here!" Cassidy yelled.

We got to the waiting room seeing Nicole and her mom. "What happened to her?!"

Nicole got up. "Erica she cut herself last night."

"What the fuck was she doing cutting herself?! WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!" I yelled walking out the waiting room. I seen security guards standing at the door. I sighed.

"She got punished last night and I guess she cut her self. My mom went to wake her up this morning, but she was laying on her bathroom floor unconscious" Nicole explained and I shook my head.

"Why did she get grounded anyways?"

"I found your number on her. And she was trying to FaceTime you!"

I laughed. She kidding me right? "So you ground my damn daughter becahse she tried FaceTiming me?" I asked looking back at Nicole.

"Yes! I told her to not get in touch with you after what you did few months ago." She said

"That's my fucking daughter! Yeah I fucked up, but I wasn't aiming for her! I was aiming for your ass!" I yelled and Nicole looked away. I don't give a fuck how hurt she is. I really was. "My kid fucking missing me and you aint allowing her to see me? Thats some fucked up shit." I said and went sit down and Cassidy followed. "As a matter fact, when she get released, I'm taking her with me."

Nicole snapped her neck at me. "Your not taking her no where. She wanted to come with me so she's staying with me!"She yelled.

"She trying to reach me again! If I gotta take your ass to court Nicole, I will! Promise you that shit bro." I said angrily. Nicole sat back down looking away.

Her mom didn't say shit. She know better.

I felt Cassidy rub my thigh. "Everything will be okay. She'll make it." She whispered. I laid my head on her shoulder.

Nicole think I'm playing but she go be surprised when she watches Naveah getting in my car.

"Family of Naveah Brown?"

Everyone got up walking to the doctor. He didn't look too happy.

"How is she doc?" Nicole's mom asked.

He sighed. "Well .."

To be continued ...

* Erica wants Naveha now 👀😱

* Will Naveah pull through? 👀

* Nicole and Erica? 😶

* Comment your thoughts. 😎

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