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^^Its time y'all see Jazmime

"Wow you all look dashing," Kelly (Blake's Mum) exclaims brightly as we enter her beautiful house.

That looked like an exact copy of ours.

Except for the fact that it was much more furnished.

She leads us to the dining room, Blake and his younger sister Mia are already seated.

"Blakey!!" My younger sister Olivia shouts.

"My little Olive," He replies whilst picking her up.

I stare at my brother awkwardly.

How the hell did Blake know Olivia?

I was seated opposite to Blake.

"Nice place you've got here ," I said whilst looking around the large dinning room.

"Thanks we try our best," Kelly laughed.

"Ok so I'm just going to get the dinner, I'll be right back," Kelly begins to walk out of the room.

"I'll help," My mother says whilst following her into the kitchen.

I glance up at Blake for the first time to see that he is already watching me.

"So...," I attempt to break the awkward silence.

"Where's your dad?" I ask curiously.

Hurt begins to fill in Blake's Hazel eyes.

"Where's your dad?" He asked his tone rising making Mia and Olivia quench in fear.

"My mum and he had a divorce," I answer.

"Do you like waffles," I try to clear the tension out of the room.

"No," He answers.


"No," He answers again.

I then make a mental note, not to ask Blake any questions about his dad because it pisses him off.

"We're back," Kelly's sing-song voice booms into the room.

Kelly and My mum are both carrying trays and trays of food.

Roast potatoes, steak, lamb, chicken, homemade pizza, so on and so on.

My tummy grumbles with delight.

For the first time in a while, Blake smirks.

We begin to dig in.

Exotic spices make their way into my mouth.

The food is amazing.

I make another mental note to thank Kelly for being such a good cook.

"Yummy," Olivia mumbled.

Kelly my mum, Blake and Mia and Hunter all laugh.

Not me because I was busy shoving Italian pizza into my mouth.

"So Jazmine, how do you feel about being the new kid?" Kelly asks.

"Okay, I guess," I mumble.

"And you," She looks at Hunter.

"I've always been popular, it's no biggie." Hunter shrugs.

"Well Blake will show you two around and drive you to school, won't you Blake,"

"Yeah ma," He rolls his eyes.

"Does anyone know where the bathroom is," I stupidly ask.

Of course, they do it's their blooming house.

"Upstairs first door on your right," Blake instructs.

Getting up I make my way up the stairs.

A long corridor of identical doors, glossy wooden floor etc.

Now which one did Blake say was the bathroom?

Opening the first door on the left I walk in.

This isn't a bathroom.

The room was blue, it was quite messy.

There were a  couple of posters of sexy blonde women near the king sized bed.

I walked deeper into the room.

Inhaling the smell.

There were pictures on the desk.

Picking up the photo frame, I examine the beautiful picture with what looked like a younger version of Kelly, eight-year-old Blake and baby Mia. And a man.

They were all smiling happily, they looked like the perfect family.

This was probably Blake's room.

Maybe I could find some information about his dad, I think as I look at his MacBook.

Sitting on his bed, I open up his laptop.



I type in the fist thing that pops into my head.

Doesn't work.

I begin to type other ridiculous things...

"You like our bathroom?" Blake asks making me freeze.

"U-uh -n-no -i-i forgot which room it was in," I stutter.

My heart beat, beating like one of those African drums.

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if I went into your room," He begins to whisper into my ear.

"And snooped through every little thing," He was now holding my chin up meeting me eye to eye.

He pulled me closer as if he we were about to kiss me.

I closed my eyes expecting his warm lips to touch mine.

But it never happened.

Opening my eyes I see Blake harshly smirking.

"You didn't think I was going to kiss you did you?" He  bitterly asks as we leave the room.

I try to hide the blush creeping up on my face.

"What No!" I lie in disbelief.

"I always close my eyes,"

"Right," Blake dosent sound convinced.

"It's good for the brain."

"I googled it,"

"Yeah yeah, lets just go and have dessert." as he stiffly
turned away

❝THE BAD BOY SHARED MY SHOWER❞ [UNDER EDIT]Where stories live. Discover now