Get the girl

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Scorpius sat in the Slytherin common room with Albus studying up for muggle studies.

Since they had missed a chunk of fourth year in their heroic endeavors, Rose had marched up to them after muggle studies and told them firmly that they should probably study, as OWLs were this year. Despite their pathetic whining she had marched them up to the Slytherin common and told them she wouldn't talk to them until they knew EXACTLY sir spearshake or something's Hamomlette (it's HAMLET!!) meant.
So here they are..

After we got back home, Albus recieved a howler from Rose, and when they had returned to school to continue fourth year they had found Rose considerably chattier than before. Soon enough Albus and Rose had become good friends, though Rose tried to avoid contact and discussion with Scorpius as much as possible. That didn't stop him from asking her out.

Rejection hadn't been too bad, he knew it was coming sooner or later. But it still caused a dull ache in his heart whenever he passed by her, knowing that she would say no every time.

"Scorpiuusss...." Albus whined impatiently "I know you like Rose and all but can't we just lie to her and get out of here? I mean it's a bit chilly and all being fall, but ANYTHING'S better than being cooped up in here studying!"

"Nuh-uh, I couldn't lie to Rose!" He replied a somewhat truthful ring in my voice.

"You can't keep a secret from her anyways. You'll turn into a blubbering idiot around her and spill." Albus remarked snidely.
"At least I'm not as bad as you and Nancy longbottom!" Scorpius retorted.
All of a sudden Albus' shirt seemed very interesting to him as he blushed.

A few moments later Albus was struck by a glorious thought.

"Scorpius! I just realized! Me you and Rose had volunteered to help Hagrid set up the Halloween feast decor! And ANYTHING is better that studying! C'mon mate this is our chance for a reasonable escape!!"

Scorpius had to admit, the idea was tantalizing, studying was getting boring even for a dork like him. Plus he was determined this year NOT to get it wrong.

This year he would get the girl. And nothing was going to stop him.

"Ok fine, you have a point. I'll come.." Scorpius said throwing his hands up in defeat.

"I know you're​ only coming because Rose is coming too." Albus remarked knowingly as they walked through the halls of Hogwarts.

"Ah, but only you have to know... If Rose asks just tell her I was erm, I felt obliged to help. I'll stay out of her way, I promise"  said Scorpius as he pushed open the large doors that lead to the Great Hall.

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