Pretty things and decoration

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Scorpius liked staring at Rose. She had fiery red hair, curls that curled well enough but weren't too curly, freckles spattered across her nose and cheeks, and to top it off, REALLY good grades.

Naturally being an unpopular dork Scorpious was in awe of Rose, her cool head, and surprising popularity.

But he had a plan that might get Rose to come with him to Hogsmeade.

"'Corpius, ye set the table on fire!" Hagrids voice jolted him back to reality. Where a warmth had spread across his face.

Earlier he thought of it as a blush but then he realized that maybe, something else was on fire.

Face locked in a dreamy smile, he looked down.

And did what anyone would do.

"AAAAAAH!!! OH MY GODS ALBUS, ROSE HELP ME!!!" Scorpius screamed like a girl and started rolling on the floor like his mother had told him to do in such situations.

"Ugh, Merlin, this boy..." Came the answer from Rose as she cast a simple dampening spell on the table and conjured a bucket of water to pour on Scorpius.

A dripping wet Scorpius made his way to the dorm rooms and got changed. After double checking to make sure no one was in the room, he slid a tiny silver trunk out of his bed.

It contained everything that Scorpius wanted to hide, love letters to Rose, his diary, various romance novels, cake recipes and his favorite book of all time, Pick up a Broom and Fly Away. Oh yes, Scorpius was a closet romantic.

Brushing all of this aside though, Scorpius reached down to the very bottom of his secret trunk and pulled out his story. It was, at it's based form a fantasy. Scorpius had written fifty two chapters and he wasn't stopping anytime soon. It was also filled to the brim with hand inked illustrations. It was his place to consider how Rose would react to certain situations, proposals, and mostly a dream of life together. And it was the same place the plan had come from.

Her neatly wrote and underlined the heading of the fifty third chapter.


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