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Rose was having a shitty day.
It was that time of the month, and her stomach cramps were starting to get to her.
She felt her eye twitch as someone poked her on her shoulder.
This was supposed to be her own time, she had told Nancy already to lay off. However the poking persisted.
Finally she snapped.
"Here." She said quite simply and went off to her bed.
Rose looked to where Nancy's eyes were pointing towards.
There, on her bed was a small blue present.
She picked it up and read the tag
To the magnificent Rose,
I hope this will brighten up your day,
Even in a pathetic sort of way,
My gift is sweet, just like you
Roses this beautiful are quite few.
From, Your admirer

Rose felt like she was floating. Had some one read her mind? She unwrapped the blue wrapping paper. Inside was a rose scented bath bomb and a vanilla scented candle. She was totally going to use these.

Rose stopped and fell back to reality. She was pretty sure Scorpius sent her these, and she sighed. Scorpius was adorable in his own dorky way, but she could never really  get over his complete pansyness and think of him like that.
She called Nancy over.
"Hey, did Scorpius send this stuff?"
"Nah, my lips are sealed."
"Please tell me." Rose points her wand threateningly towards Nancy's face.
Nancy paused and assessed her options. She could either tell her friend the truth and destroy young love or face the wrath of a well aimed bat bogey hex. Finally she put her hands behind her back and said,
"I PROMISE it's not Scorpius. That's all I can tell you."
Rose sighed and headed towards the prefect bathroom to try out her bath bomb. If only she had seen the Slytherin worthy finger cross behind her best friend's back.
Up there is a doodle of Nancy longbottom, child of Luna love good and Neville longbottom. Art by me! I also do cover requests if you need them.

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