Smooth dude

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Rose had walked into the potions room and sat down next to her lab partner, Nancy.
Nancy snickered. "Roses are red, violets are blue, guess who left a corny present for you!" She said in a sing song voice.
"Nancy if this is all some kind of shitty prank then I swear to mer-"
"Awww rose. You KNOW my smothering dad won't ever let me buy a bouquet for fear of evil weevil boys" she said mockingly.  Rose knew this was true, Neville was the most 'soccer mom'ish dad she knew, aside from Draco, of course.
"I won't be able to date until I'm 50! Unless it's a Potter kid that is." Nancy turned around and winked at Albus.
"GHRK." Albus started to choke as Scorpius hit his back.

"Lets get this over with" Rose said as she pulled out a bouquet of blood red roses.
There was no poem, no tag.
Why me though?  There are much prettier girls around? The words echoed in her head.

Over the course of three months, Rose received various presents from this 'secret admirer'. Chocolates, perfume and even a stuffed dog. Jeez, this dude's spoiling me rotten. She thought as she unwrapped a candy ring with the note 'ran out of pocket money, sorry! Expect a lot of sweets!' she sighed. This 'dude' sure was smooth.

Authors note:
Oh my god.
It is such a pain to keep the events according to Hogwarts schedule. You have NO idea. Quick rundown of the timeline for those who care
Story starts on October 30th so Halloween feast prep is in order
OWLs at the end of June
Scorpius started sending presents from 3rd March
Three months later i.e. January 3rd, close to the SPECIAL HOGSMEADE TRIP in February.
Ok gotta scramble! You know me, gotta get that meta JUUUUUUST right.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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