tres➝ finn wolfhard

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requested by: msmonet0920 and myself lol, no regrets bitch.

(y/n: you! by now you know this but i feel obligated to put it in here so.)

"y/n move to the right of finn, and put your elbow on his shoulder!" the photographer requested.

"finn! losen up your shoulders, and smile."

"good! okay, y/n! turn to finn, and smile softly."

"awesome! you guys are actually really photogenic." the photographer laughed.

"y/n pretend you're taking selfies. use whatever expressions you normally would." she added.

"okay. y/n take your elbow off of finn. finn! put your arm around y/n, and smile at her."

"you guys actually look so good together. no wonder my daughter "ships" you guys." the photographer laughed.

the pair of us laughed in response.

"alright guys, a few more shots and you can go home." she smiled.

"y/n are you okay?" finn asked, worriedly.

"yeah." i answered, lying. my eyes were in excruciating pain.

"hang on a second please. i need to blink a few times." i pleaded.

"i'm sorry sweetie. take a break whenever you need it." she spoke, genuine concern in her voice.

"thank you."

"y/n are you sure you're okay?" finn questioned, clearly worried.

"i am now. my eyes were just hurting." i smiled, reassuring him.

"alright." he smiled, rubbing my shoulder.

"okay! i think i'm good now." i giggled, walking back to my spot in front of the camera.

"okay! we're almost done, just a few more pictures." the photographer replied, a smile upon her face.

"finn, go behind y/n and hug her."

"y/n we want it to look like you're laughing."

"i could tickle her?" finn laughed.

"that's a great idea. you do that." the photographer chuckled.

i instantly began laughing. i was extremely ticklish, and laughed hysterically if you did tickle me.

"that's amazing! finn, keep doing that!"

"alright. we're done!" the photographer beamed.

"oh my god, finn! stop!" i snorted, my chest starting to hurt.

"never!" he snickered, continuing to violently tickle me.

"pl-eas-e! i ca-n! n-ot! bre-athe!" i struggled to get out.

"alright, fine. but only because you're like. dying." he laughed.

"my chest hurts." i whined.

"awh! is the little baby going to cry?" he teased.

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