siete! → wyatt oleff!

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requested by: Radstuff

(y/f/n: your friends name)
(y/s: your state)
(y/c: your city)

"LIZ!" y/f/n screamed, running through the door of the hotel room.

"Y/F/N!" i screamed in response.

"i can't believe it's today." she spoke, a grin upon her features.

today was the day we would meet the 'IT' cast. it was the summer of 2018. the movie had came out in september, and the cast was attending several different comic cons. i was absolutely stoked to find out they were coming to y/s.

"are you girls ready?" our moms asked in unison.

"yes!" y/f/n chirped.

"i don't think i could possibly be more ready." i spoke.

we walked out of our hotel room, making our way to the lobby.

walking through the parking lot, we quickly mad our way to the car.

before we knew it we were on the way to meet people that we had found ourselves idolizing.

it had been about twenty minutes, until we had finally arrived at the convention center. there was an extremely long line outside of the building, but i knew it would be worth the wait in the end.

"that line is massive." y/f/n gawked.

"it's also hot as balls." i spoke, fanning myself.

"the line is no in pretty fast, because they just opened the doors." my mom spoke, pointing at the line.

"y/f/n i hope you brought tissues."

"uhm why?"

"because i'm going to sob, and i'll need your help to function." i spoke, smiling sarcastically.

"awh." she spoke, coming to hug me.


"shut up." she spoke, slapping my arm.

"love you too."

"oh my god we're getting so close to the entrance." i gawked, just now noticing we were only a few feet away from the entrance.

"i can literally feel the air conditioning." y/f/n practically moaned.

"yes god."

the line continued to move, and we were finally inside the convention center building.

"woah." i spoke, my eyes widening.

"holy shit." my mom spoke from behind me, earning a laugh from all of us.

"it's so cool in here!" y/f/n spoke, beginning to walk around.

there was so much cool stuff, and amazing cosplay. it was definitely an interesting place, and was great for nerds like myself.

"liz look!" y/f/n spoke, pointing to the 'IT' area. people were crowded around all of the cast's individual tables. there was a pretty long line, but it was bearable. it actually wasn't that bad. what i loved about the cast was that they took their time to actually talk to their fans. not many people still do that.

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