cuatro! → wyatt oleff + finn wolfhard

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requested by: me bitch, bc y'all sleep on my mans wyatt wtf.

(y/n: you)

(also! they're all 15 & 16 in this. just letting you know.)

"y/n, i don't know why we can't just tell them we're a thing."

"because! they'll be mad that we didn't tell them sooner!" i snapped.

wyatt looked shocked. he was surprised that me of all people would yell at him. i had always been known as the nice girl. i had a good amount of friends because i was kind, and respectful to others.

"wyatt. i'm really sorry. i'm just nervous." i apologized.

"i know. i understand babe." he frowned, putting his arms around my waist.

"but i do think we should tell them. we should get it over with. it's been almost six months." he reasoned.

"you're right. tonight while we're hanging out we should tell them." i suggested.

"that's a good idea. now please! will you stop worrying?" i sighed, chuckling a bit.

"yes." i grinned, kissing his cheek."

"and my girl is back!" he cheered, kissing me.

"i was never gone. just a nervous wreck." i giggled.

"they'll all be over here in about ten minutes. how are you feeling?"

"not nearly as nervous. wait! since they know you're already here, what was your excuse?" i questioned.

"i just told them i got bored and spent the night." he laughed.

"typical." i snickered.

"i have to pee, i'll be back." i spoke, walking upstairs, into the bathroom.

"babe! what food should we order for all of us?" i yelled, walking down the stairs.

wyatt paused, his eyes widening. he quickly turned to me, holding up his phone. he was on facetime with finn. both jack and jaeden were also in the car.

there was an awkward silence among us all.

"you've got to be kidding!" i scolded myself, running into the kitchen.

"why the hell did she call you babe?" finn questioned.

"you guys are dating aren't you?" jack smirked.


"jaeden you owe me twenty bucks!" jack screeched.

"shut the hell up." jaeden retorted.

"i can't believe you guys didn't tell us!" finn huffed.

"the hell is going on?" you could faintly hear nick ask from the drivers seat.

"wyatt and y/n have been dating for who knows how long, and didn't tell us shit!" jack spoke.

"listen we can talk about it when you guys get here." wyatt sighed, quickly ending the call.

"i fucking hate myself." i groaned, walking back into the living room.

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