cinco! → finn wolfhard

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requested by: anica_hija

(this is a texting/real life imagine)

i was awoken by a notification from my phone. it was most likely just my mom, but i got up to check anyways.

one new message from finn!

i smiled at the notification. finn and i had been internet best friends for over a year and i still hadn't ever seen him in person.

we had met through vine, because both of us had a pretty big following. finn had messaged me, and we began talking after that. ever since then we've been really close internet friends.

hey! wanna facetime?


seconds after i texted back my phone went off, and i answered the call.

"hey!" he spoke gleefully.

"hi." i smiled.

"what are you doing today?"

"the same thing i've been doing all summer. laying in bed all day doing absolutely nothing." i sighed.

"man. that's lame."

"i know. what are you doing today hot shot?"

"just hanging out with dane and some of the guys. normal stuff."

"tell dane i said hi!"

"i will." he laughed.

"oh! but i wanted to talk to you about something!" he exclaimed.


"wyatt, sophia, and i are all meeting up in new york in two days. i wanted to see if maybe you could come? it's only for a few days, and we have a huge hotel room."

"that sounds great! the only problem is me getting out there. i don't know what my mom will say." i frowned.

"i can totally have my parents talk to your mom and dad! we can even pay for your flight!"

"that's way too much to ask for. i can't just let you do that."

"you didn't ask. so it's settled. if you can go we're paying for your flight. all you need is spending money."

"you'd really do all of that just to see me?"

"yes anica!" he yelled, laughing ."

"wow. i love you."

"i love you more."

"i'm so excited!" i squealed, beginning to jump on my bed.

"my mom wants to know what time your mom gets off work?"

"she'll be home around six."

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