Chapter 1: Graduation and Getting to Know Me.

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It's graduation day! It's finally over! Now what?

"Sam let's get pictures," Mia yelled from the flower booth.

That's me Samantha Jewl Whight. Just to know a little about me, I'm 19 years old , yes held back in 5th grade. I grew up in foster care until my best friends family adopted me when I was 7. My best friend Mia, Mia Bre Whight.

"Ugh," I grown as I walk to where she's at.

"Don't be such a drag it's our last day let's have fun!"

I smile and turn towards the camera. She's right it is out last day let's make it count!

No classes! The lunch bell rang and everyone was in tears. I say I'm not the one to cry over small things. I hope. I walk to the doors and wait for Mia to come out.

"See ya in college, you goth freak!" Yup that's what people call me. Why you might ask. Well it could be my red and black hair and the fact I always wear combat boots, have a nose ring, and have a tattoo of the day I was adopted. So yeah the "typical goth girl."

The bell rang school was over. The only thing is getting ready for tonight. Everyone was throwing papers and screaming schools out, schools out!

I waited for a little bit for most of the cars to leave. I wanted to say goodbye to the school. Silly? But this was the longest school I have ever been in. I just need one last goodbye. I walk to my Jeep as a slight tear goes down my face.

30 minutes later. Mia screamed when she saw me shouting "Hurry, hurry, we got to get ready!" I walked in and out mom's were holding new graduation dresses.

"Oh my God, thanks Mom and Mama," Mia and I said.

Let me guess what you are thinking; Mom's? Yup. We have two mom's. What some people call crazy we call normal. This also means Mia is adopted too. That is correct. But they got her when she was 2. Werid, I say not.

6:30 came and we were both in the car about to go.
"See you girls later tonight," Mama said as they both waved.
Mia's dress was a floral pattern skirt and a white strapless top. Matched beautifully​ with her ginger hair. My dress was a black and dark blue Lacy with a strap that tied to the back.

1hour later. Half the names were already called and it got to Mia's than mine. Out mom's both stood up and screamed our names. Mia's face turned red as we both walked off the stage.

Graduation end fast. It's kinda sad but it's over. As 12 o-clock came by I was all cried out. The last thing I did was get into bed and over and over again thought it's over it's over.


I'm sorry if it is not good so far it is my first book. I hope you all like it. Leave your comments and if you really don't like it please don't wast mine and your time. If you do keep reading it gets better.

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