Telling the Half Truth

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After some debating with himself, Hiccup decided that before finding Stoick, he would pay Gobber a visit. As he was approaching the blacksmith, he could already hear his old mentor singing off-key while pounding away at the metal. "Some things never seem to change." Hiccup fondly thought.

"I've got my axe and I've my mace, and I love my wife with the ugly face, I'm a Viking through and through."

"So, I take it you're open then? You remind me of an old crew member who had a strong pair of lungs." Captain Fury complimented with a chuckle as he leaned against the doorframe.

Turning around, Gobber saw Captain Fury standing in the forge and started looking around. Unlike most of the other villagers, Gobber was actually excited at the opportunity of seeing and chatting with another traveler, since he himself traveled around in his youth. Even if this stranger comes from outside with Archipelago, he doesn't really mind. Just another opportunity of hearing about those lands he never got the chance to visit.

"Aye that we are, Captain." Gobber cheery responded.

"So if memory serves, I believe you're the one called Gobber. Chief Stoick's closest friend and the best blacksmith on this side of the Archipelago?" Captain Fury said closely inspecting a weapon. As always, Gobber's weapons were second to none. He was glad that in the ten years apart, Gobber hasn't lost his touch.

"Aye, the one n' only." Gobber proudly stated, then he turned his eyes to the Captain's swords. "Odd swords ya got there, I take it they're special?"

"Aye." Captain Fury nodded, pulling out one of his cutlasses and handing it to Gobber. "This is one of the many weapons of a privateer, this one is called a cutlass."

Testing the weight of the sword Gobber noticed that it was considerably lighter than most swords he's accustomed to, and the color of the blade is what threw him off as well. He's been smithing pretty much his entire life, and he'd never heard of a sword made with black metal.

"I get that look from every blacksmith who holds my weapons." Captain Fury chuckled, causing Gobber to look up. "Usually a cutlass would be heavier, but thanks to my know-how on blacksmithing and with help from the King's best smiths, these beauties were created. The sword is black because of a special ore called black iron ore; this ore not only changes the color of the blade but makes it lighter, more durable and stronger than any steel. In England, black iron ore is pretty rare and only saved for the best of the best." Captain Fury explained. But then again, he knew this was partially the truth. In fact, the steel used is what Hiccup called Gronkle Iron and the color was possible by melting down whatever scales Toothless shed and combining it.

"Quite crafty, but why not go for a slightly longer blade?" Gobber questioned, giving back the sword.

"When you're boarding an enemy vessel, you have to be quick and light on your feet, having a massive war hammer would only slow you down and when you're fighting in the cramp, close quarters of a ship. A big hammer or axe won't do any good." Captain Fury explained. "The cutlass is a solid choice because it's simple, easy to use and robust enough to cut through heavy ropes, canvas, and the like with a single swing."

"Aye, these are a beauty, nothin' too fancy or anythin' like that," Gobber stated knowing true craftsmanship when he saw it. Though something about the sword felt oddly familiar to him. He simply waved it off as his eyes glanced down and he noticed the weapons strapped to his belt. "What's that?" Gobber asked, pointing to the pistols.

Captain Fury took one out for Gobber to see. "My own invention, I call them flintlock pistols. I've improved them upon the original Chinese variants."

Captain Hiccup and the Dragon's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now