Uneasy Alliance

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All words escaped Hiccup's mouth. Was he in a dream? How was this possible? No, it's impossible, Viggo Grimborn is supposed to be dead. Hiccup remembered it clearly; he fell into the depths of that volcano.

Viggo was different, however, while he wore the same armor and carried the same sword from all those years ago. Now, the left side of Viggo's face was heavily scarred along with him being blind in his left eye. In addition, he also wore a black cloak, obviously as a way to conceal his identity.

A plethora of thoughts and emotions run throughout Hiccup's mind; first was obvious shock, then confusion, and finally anger. He tried to reach for his weapons but remembered they were outside. Without another thought, Hiccup quickly grabbed one of his hidden throwing knives and threw it at Viggo. It stuck into the wall, just barely past his head.

"What is he doing here!?" Hiccup shouted.

"Now Hiccup-" Stoick tried but was promptly cut off.

"Don't 'now Hiccup' me Dad." It's clear that Hiccup wasn't having any of it. "Do you not realize who you've brought onto Berk?"

Valka was the only one who seemed confused. "Hiccup, what's all this about?" She gently asked.

"Really? Then allow me to clarify the situation." Hiccup turned back to Viggo. "Viggo Grimborn, Chief of the Dragon Hunter Tribe, younger brother of the deceased Ryker Grimborn who just so happens to be his second in command. He's also a sworn enemy of England, for trapping and selling dragons."

"Incorrect. Only you've deemed me an enemy of your country." Viggo clarified. "You've made it your personal mission to capture me alive, bring me before the King you served, making sure to have me publicly hanged. Therefore, I am not an enemy of your King." He calmly added.

"Silence!" Hiccup growled. "Now, will someone kindly tell me what's he going here before I go get my weapons and kill him?"

"Hiccup." Eret stepped up. "I know what things might seem like, but you must trust me."

"Really? You, I can trust, but trust Viggo Grimborn of all people?" Hiccup only chuckled humorlessly. "Humor me, please."

"Listen, we've learned something new about Drago, something he's been trying to keep hidden for a long time. I've only heard the rumors when I was with him, but they're just rumors." Eret started. "A complication has arisen, and if we don't deal with it soon, it could end the war. I... I think you should let Dark Wolf explain."

Now, Hiccup was speechless. It was clear he wanted to say something, even a rebuttal, but nothing came out of his mouth. Once again, confusion was sown on Hiccup's face.

With a nod, Viggo started walking close to the firepit. "I will not lie to you Hiccup, or any of you, as I've told Eret in my latest letter, I've discovered something that even I was wary to put into writing." He paused for a moment, now glaring into the flames. "Drago has discovered the location of a Bewilderbeast, and as we speak, he's trying to have the dragon under his control."

"Odin's Breath," Gobber muttered in horror.

"But that's... impossible." Stoick quickly stated. "Bewilderbeasts doesn't exist. They're just... made up, idle fantasy to scare disobedient children."

"And they don't exist anymore then you claim the legendary Skrill to not exist." Viggo countered, turning on his heels. "I've seen that dragon with my own eyes. And if you want an example of the dragon's power, then you need not look any further then your own." He stared over at Valka. "You know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Captain Hiccup and the Dragon's FuryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang