The Holmgang

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"The Holmgang between Snotlout Jorgenson, the challenger, and Hiccup Haddock, the opponent will now begin." Stoick's voice boomed out to the cheering, excited audience.

News of Snotlout challenging Hiccup to a duel practically spread like a case of Eel Pox. Almost everyone in the village was in attendance with a few exceptions and any privateers still lingering throughout the village or were back at Thor's Beach.

The Twins were taking bets from people, as villages loved a good fight and were willing to bet on the winner. The bets between Hiccup and Snotlout were almost split even. Fishlegs was curious to see how Hiccup fought since Vikings almost never duel wielded their weapons. Astrid was also in attendance, but much to her displeasure as she was practically staring at Snotlout with hatred in her eyes.

If looks could kill, it would be very likely that Snotlout would be dead several times over before the duel could even begin.

"Snotlout, state the rule and stakes of the fight," Stoick commanded. Snotlout nodded and faced his opponent.

"One weapon of choice, no armor, and only melee weapons." He quickly mentioned, referring to Hiccup's flintlocks. Snotlout also took off his tunic, in accordance with his rules.

"Are ya sure 'bout this Captain?" Anne whispered as she glanced over at Snotlout.

Ever since she learned about the duel, she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Anne wasn't suspicious like she was with Astrid, but something about the man felt different. She knew that something else was going on, even suspecting of potential foul play.

But there was nothing that she could do about it, with the Vikings having their laws. She could only watch from a distance and intervene if there's any foul play.

"I'll be safe, don't worry about me." Hiccup assured, removing his holsters, coat, tunic, and his hat and mask, revealing a somewhat muscular, tattooed and scarred chest. Hiccup swore that he saw Astrid blushing, but quickly dismissed that. Anne simply nodded and hastily left the arena.

"This is it, make it look good." Snotlout whispered to himself, looking up at his father who was smiling at him and his face seemed to say, "show no mercy."

"The stakes?" Hiccup asked as he withdrew a cutlass and place the other one on the ground. Snotlout's mouth instantly formed into a small smirk.

"To the death. The winner... gets the title of Heir to Berk." Snotlout loudly stated, causing everyone both Vikings and sailors alike to gasp.

"You have no right to put that title at stake." Hiccup said with annoyance in his voice.

"He does Hiccup. He's facing the current heir. We all thought you were dead and technically, I never named a new heir. And now that you're back, you're heir by law." Stoick explained grimly. Hiccup sighed and nodded.

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