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A/N: Okay so you probably know this by now, but just in case: I don't own any aspects of HTTYD, everything belongs to their proper owners.

As usual, thoughts, comments, and everything else in between is also welcomed. Other than that, on with the story.


"A good effort men." Hiccup called out. "But remember: you can always do better. You need to reload your muskets faster after firing the initial round. Remember, a trained privateer can fire off at least three to four shots a minute. So once more!"

Hiccup was in the Cove training new recruits on the use of the muskets. Toothless was hanging from a tree like a bat, taking an afternoon nap. It's been nearly two weeks since Hiccup decided to stay. Since then, he's spoken to his Father and his tribe telling them stories from his travels. From Constantinople to the capital city of Paris, and even all the way to China itself. During his spare time, he worked with Gobber at the forge whenever he had the chance and Stoick even allowed Toothless to sleep in the house whenever Hiccup did.

Hiccup hasn't spoken to the group much, well... with the exception of Fishlegs who was really interested and very excited about learning the different species of dragons Hiccup had seen; he was especially interested in Toothless as the Book of Dragons barely held any information on the Night Fury. Hiccup received apologies from all the entire group minus Snotlout.

As Hiccup was lost in his thoughts, he thought he heard footsteps, but shrugged it off. Thinking that it was maybe Anne. It didn't matter to him at the moment. For he had too much on his mind at the moment.

"Captain, we're ready for another shot." One of the senior officers informed.

Snapping himself out of his thoughts he turned and gave the commands to his privateers. "Alright lads, you get one reload after your initial shot then you're done for the day." Hiccup instructed. Watching as the sailors took their positions and awaited the command.

"Make ready!" The privateers took their weapons off their shoulders and held their weapons straight up in the ready position.

"Present!" Then in one movement, the muskets were pointed downrange at their targets. The sailors in the first row crouched down on their knees, as it was taught to them.


Then all at once, the muskets were fired off making the air shatter and producing a loud popping noise along with a small mass of white smoke in its wake. The silence was temporary before another row fired off immediately after the first row producing the same results.

"Reload!" Hiccup ordered.

They started out by putting a small amount of gunpowder near the breech then immediately pulled the breech down. Then they put the rest of the gunpowder including the paper and the bullet down the barrel using what Hiccup called a ramrod. Once the ramrods were put back the men pulled back the lock, they raised their weapons and fired off again. Unknown to Hiccup and everyone else, a certain someone watching as the privateers quickly did the process.

Once the smoke cleared and the weapons were rested on their shoulders, a slow clapping was coming from Hiccup.

"Well done, men a few more weeks and you'll be ready to use these." Hiccup smiled as he complimented the group. Then he finished by giving the sailors his advice. "Remember: if your enemy is closing in, then you equip your bayonet. You can also reload a musket with the bayonet still on if needed. Dismissed."

As the privateers filed out to leave the Cove, Hiccup sat down by the pond to think once again. Many things were on his mind, but the most important thing was trying to have both Vikings and dragons live together in peace, and even have some of them riding them.

Captain Hiccup and the Dragon's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now