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Castiel looked out of the window in his dormitory at the summer kissed grounds. Flowers were blooming through the grass and it looked peaceful, yet to Castiel it felt wrong. Without Hagrid striding through the grounds with Fang at his side, the summer might as well be on the other side of a glass wall. It did not penetrate the inside of the castle at all, where everyone walked around tense and unnaturally quiet.

They tried to visit Hermione but were barred by Madam Pomfrey.

'We're not taking any more chances,' she told them through a crack in the door. 'No, I'm sorry, there's every chance the attacker will come back to finish these people off...'

She'd even banned Castiel, who walked around despondently, not knowing what to do with himself or where he would be safe.

Dumbledore's departure had spread fear through the castle in waves and caused many of the students to appreciate being shepherded to and from lessons by teachers. It greatly irritated Sherlock, however, who became restless at being cooped up in Ravenclaw tower most of the time, and only being able to see John at meal times.

Hagrid's hint had been easy enough to understand, but none of them had seen a single spider in weeks, which Ron was far from devastated about. Hampered as they were by not being allowed to wander off on their own, they had no opportunity to search for any.

The Gryffindors were led down to Herbology by Snape one day and the lesson was very subdued. Two of their number were missing: Justin and Hermione.

John set to work on his Abyssinian Shrivelfig and Molly came over to him.

'Here you are, best shears in the greenhouse,' she said with feigned brightness.

John smiled at her.

'Ernie thinks that Draco Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin now,' she said, gesturing at Ernie, who was shaking Harry's hand.

John snorted.

'I take it that means you've already ruled him out,' she smiled. 'I'm sorry about Hermione.'

'Yeah, me too.'

'You must be scared,' she said sympathetically.

'No more than anyone else...'

John trailed off as he saw several large spiders scurrying through the greenhouse. He watched them as they headed towards the Forbidden Forest.


He looked back at Molly and realised she'd still been talking.

'Molly, I'm so sorry. I'm just distracted since Hermione...'

'I understand, don't worry.'

John smiled at her warmly.


As they were escorted to Defense Against the Dark Arts, John lagged behind with Harry and Ron, out of earshot of the others.

'Did you see the spiders?' he asked.

'Yes,' Ron said moodily. 'Fun in the Forest. Can't wait.'

'We'll have to use the Invisibility Cloak again,' said Harry, 'and we'll bring Fang. He practically lives in the Forest, he might be some help.'

They had just taken their seats when Lockhart came bounding into the room. John frowned in disgust.

'Why all these long faces?' he cried. 'Don't you know that the danger has passed?'

The class exchanged exasperated looks but said nothing. Suddenly, Sherlock emerged from Lockhart's office rubbing his head.

'Mr Holmes, what are you still doing here?' Lockhart frowned. 'Well, you might as well stay. No wandering alone in the corridors after all. Why don't you go and sit over there with Mr Watson?'

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