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Me: *snickers* I said I won't read horror books but I'll read Jeff the Killer again! hehehe

* 10 minutes after reading about a monster that sits at the end of your bed and goes to your dreams to drive you crazy*

Me: *silently sobs* I'm never gonna go outta here.....

*10 minutes later*

*strange noises*

*le me catches knife harder and tries not to get a panic attack*

*le phone vibrates in my pocket*

*le me screams*

I open the text:

Mum: why are you up so early?

Me: umm I got scared

Mum: )"_")

Me: I heard noises!

Mum: what are you scared from?

Me: Jeff...... Jeff.... the killer...

Mum: he's not real don't believe what you read and see.

Me: He's real! he has a girlfriend! I'll show you his pic!

Mum: it's just your brain being weird...... anyway I gotta go sleep.

Me: okay byz

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