Legends on Ecruteak City! Part 2

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Dante's POV:

I just watch my best friend fall on a pitch black hole that was formed on the floor. I tried to catch her, but I couldn't.

Thief: As suspected, the floor would crumble.

This bastard was planning this!

Vidarr: Dante calm down, don't do anything reckless.

The thief retreated his Croconaw, I retreated my Bayleaf too. That's when I heard footsteps behind us. When I turn around I saw the men that were near the front door.

Man 1: Silver, what are you doing here?

I looked at the thief, he must be Silver.

Silver: Gym Leader Morty, and Eusine...

Vidarr: Which is which?

Dante: I bet the one who talked was Morty. The other one is dressed normally so he must be Eusine.

They both look at each other.

Morty: This guy is clever.

Vidarr: No kidding...

Dante: Somehow, I detect sarcasm in your words Vidarr.

Eusine: What was all the commotion we heard?

Vidarr: My friends were battling Silver until the floor collapsed.

Dante: Dude, we need to get down there and check her. Artemis could die.

Silver walk pass us and walks away without saying anything. He just doesn't give a damn if someone is in danger or hurt.

Morty: There's a path to go underground. I will show it to you guys.

Morty started to lead us to an underground entrance. All I'm thinking is for Artemis to be safe.

Artemis' POV:

I started to wake up, my vision is blur. As my vision clears, I began to look at my surroundings. It looks like an underground room. As I tried to get up, I saw an unbelievable thing, three uncommon Pokémon sleeping.

Me: This must be the Pokémon, I can't believe they're here all this time.

The yellow one must be Raikou, the brown one must be Entei and the blue one must be Suicune. I started to walk slowly to the sleeping Pokémon, to the point they all woke up alerted.

Raikou: A human!? We need to get out of here.

There it is, I can understand them again.

Entei: We need to find another place to hide!

Suicune: I agree.

They started to disperse in different ways.

Me: Wait! Don't go!

Suicune stopped for a moment...

Suicune: This human...

Entei: Let's go partner!

That's when the officially left the place. They must suffer to much.

I look up to see the hole I fell. My friends must be searching for me since I can't see nor hear them. Unless, the thief did something to them!

Still a little pained, a walked a little back and I notice rescue stairs going down.

Dante: Artemis! Are you there?!

Me: Dante, I'm here!

He slide down immediately and towards me and hugs me.

Dante: I'm really glad you're OK!

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