RoChu ~ Russia x China

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Notes: Russia's accent - W's are V's and Russians cannot pronounce their H's, so it's replaced with a ' 


Russia sat on the bathroom floor and hugged his knees into his chest, trying his best to hold back tears. But realizing he didn't have to since he was alone, he let the tears fall. 'Vhy am I the vay I am? No vonder people 'ate me so much.' He tries to become friends with the others, but he has done so much harm to them in the past that they shudder just in his presence. He choked out a sob. He's going to spend eternity alone. 

As he let himself go and cried loudly, pulling lightly at his hair, he could faintly hear a knocking noise. He gasped and stopped his crying. He sniffed and waited to see if he'd hear it again, and he did. His eyebrow raised in confusion as he cleaned himself up at the bathroom sink and then went to the front door. "A visitor? Who might it be?" He said out loud to himself as he brushed off his coat and looked out his peephole. 

Another knock, "Russia, let me in! It's freezing out here, aru!" 

Russia then saw shiny, black hair through the peephole. So he opened the door for his Chinese friend and smiled brightly, " 'allo, China! Vhat are you doing 'ere?"

"Nǐ hǎo (Hello)," China shivered from the cold as he rubbed his hands together to warm them, then took something out of the bag he was carrying. Russia smiled when he saw his scarf. "I finished washing your scarf, aru," China handed it to Russia, which Russia happily unfolded and wrapped it around his neck, "Спасибо (Spasibo - Thank you), friend!"

China smiled softly, "Do you happen to have any hot tea?" 

Russia furrowed his brows as he looked at his kitchen, "I may from the last time you came over, but I can't guarantee it." He then walked into the kitchen and looked in his cabinets, "ahh, there ve are!" He took out a cup and a tea bag then stared down at it for a second, "I 'ave no idea 'ow to do this..." China chuckled, "That's okay. I can make it, aru." 

Russia smiled and nodded. China went to grab the tea, and that was the first time China actually looked at Russia's face up close. He frowned, "Russia, what's wrong? You're eyes are all red and puffy... You better not get me sick, aru! I may get sick from the cold outside alone!" Russia looked down, "Neit, I'm not sick. I promise." 

"Then what's wrong, aru?"

Russia took a deep breath then forced a smile, "Another time, okay?" 

"Méiyǒu (no). You look upset. Who hurt you?" China placed his hand on Russia's arm and looked up at the taller male with concern shining in his chocolate brown eyes. Russia bit his lip as he held back tears, his eyes burning from them threatening to shed, "Am I... Am I really a monster, China?" 

China's eyes widened as he stared at Russia, then he sighed, "the tea can wait, aru. Come with me." He then pinched the sleeve of Russia's jacket and drug him to the living room where they sat down on the couch. "Tell me what happened, and tell me now, aru." Russia sighed, "Nothing 'appened... I've just been thinking about things." 

"That's never good," China half smiled, "But if you are beating yourself up because you think you are a monster or whatever, there is no need, because you are not."

"But people are afraid of me for vhat I've done to them! I-I didn't mean to, it vas my boss's fault! 'e made me do the things I did!" Russia started to cry, putting his head in his hands, "I just want to have friends, and every time I try to say sorry to everyone, they run away from me." China's eyes softened as he watched the silver haired man cry, "Hey, look at me, aru." He then lifted Russia's chin, "Who cares about them! If they don't want to stop and think what an amazing person you are, then that's their fault, not yours." 

Russia blinked cutely, "I-I'm amazing...?"

"You want to change, don't you? It doesn't matter what you did in the past, it's the fact that you want to change it. And I respect you for that, okay, aru?" 

Russia smiled and nodded, "Хорошо (Khorosho - Okay)." China nodded too, and then wiped the tears from Russia's face. Russia's eyes widened slightly, and China tilted his head, "what is it, aru?" Russia blushed, "China... can I kiss you?" China blushed brightly, "W-w-where has this come from, aru?!" 

Russia bit his lip, "It's just... you're my only friend and... I've come to like you. You've been so kind to me and you're just so... pretty." 


Russia smiled, "Прости (Prosti - Sorry). Then you're very 'andsome, so 'andsome that you seem pretty."

China looked away as his whole face turned as red as his country flag, "A-Alright..."

"So, can I kiss you?" Russia asked cutely, making China smile and nod. Russia caressed the soft, porcelain skin on China's cheek before leaning in and kissing China gently. China stiffened, but then slowly closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. Russia slightly deepened the kiss, making it a bit more passionate as China went along with it, placing his hands on either sides of Russia's face. 

When the kiss ended, Russia pulled away, a blushing mess, and looked away, "T-That vas my first kiss."

China's eyes widened as he was shocked how good he was, "What, aru?!" 

~And that is how their adorable relationship started~ 

Bonus: To add extra humor... this is what happened after China and Russia held hands at the world meeting... 


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