PoLiet - Poland x Lithuania

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"Oh, Toriiiiiss~" Poland burst through Russia's front door with a bright smile on his face. Lithuania poked his head out the door leading to the kitchen with a pot full of beef stroganoff. "Ahh, Sveiki (hello) Feliks. I told you to be careful doing that! Mr. Russia doesn't like intruders!" 

"Oh, he doesn't like being invaded? Ha!" Poland faked a laugh, throwing his head back. Lithuania just smirked and shook his head, "So what are you doing here?" Poland closed the door, "Do I need an excuse to see my boyfriend?" He slowly walked over to Lithuania, purposely swaying his hips with every step. 

Lithuania blushed as Poland pressed his body up against his own. Lithuania looked down into the piercing green eyes of the flamboyant blonde and shrugged, "No, but you didn't announce to me that you were coming. I mean, look. I'm holding a pot of food for a lazy Russian and I don't even have my usual clothes on."

Poland smirked as he looked Lithuania up and down with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled softly at the pink apron with yellow flowers on it, how Lithuania's hair was in a messy ponytail, and how he honestly looked like he stayed up all night. "You look fine," he said covering his mouth, his voice shaky from trying not to laugh. Lithuania rolled his eyes, "Suuure I do." 

He kicked back open the door and set the pot down on the stove. He called for Estonia, and when the anxious male came in with shaky hands, Lithuania spoke, "Tell Mr. Russia that I'm out with Poland. And if you don't mind, I already made some stroganoff. Please give him some." Estonia nodded and shuffled through the cabinets to find a bowl. 

As Lithuania took his apron off, grabbed Poland's hand gently and started towards the door, he said a quick, "Ačiū (Thank you)," over his shoulder.

*Le time skip (~•.•)~ to when they get to Poland's house*

Lithuania took a deep breath and stretched as he walked into the living room. He noticed Poland smiling at him, rather suspiciously, and all Lithuania could do was smile back sheepishly. Poland opened his bedroom door, "Im going to go get more comfortable. Help yourself to some Paluzski if you are hungry." Lithuania nodded and sat down on the couch, patting his knees and swaying in a nervous manner. 

When Poland came back out, Lithuania blushed when he saw the other male in a plaid short skirt and a pink tank top with his hair half up-half down. He sat on Lithuania's lap which made the said male blush even more, moving from his cheeks to his nose, which Poland always though was adorable. Lithuania had seen Poland in a skirt, MANY times before, but this time was a bit different. He didn't know why though, maybe because they were a couple now instead of friends? 

"Are you okay, Liet," Poland asked with a giggle. Lithuania only nodded vigorously. Poland pouted slightly then wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, making sure to put his face really close to Liet's, "Are you suuure~" Lithuania made a "Gyaa~" sound and stood up, Poland squealing and falling to the floor. "Oh, I'm so sorry Feliks," Lithuania said alarmed as he quickly picked up Poland bridal style and sat him down on the couch. 

Poland just flared his cheeks in a pout and crossed his arms, "What is wrong with you?" Lithuania continued to stand and groaned, pushing his bangs back with his hands, "Agh! I don't know! It's just when you came out here you looked so sexy and," he started to pace, "I'm sorry, I just never felt this way before." 

Poland then changed from pouting to smirking in a snap when he heard "sexy". He sat up straight and soon stood. He held Lithuania in place by holding his hips, "Hey, it's alright. I'm nervous about this relationship too, because no one has understood me so much and made me go crazy at the same time. All I know is... I want this. I love you, Toris, and I want this to work."

Lithuania took a deep breath and nodded, "Me too. And I love you too, Po," he winked. Poland rolled his eyes, "Yes, you definitely drive me crazy, in more ways then one." Lithuania chuckled softly and then pulled Poland into a loving embrace before connecting their lips together. Poland wrapped his arms around Lithuania's neck and his leg lifted up slowly. 

When they both pulled away, Poland gasped, "Lets go to the mall and buy you some cute new clothes! Buying me some too in the process, but still." Then Poland drug Lithuania out the door, the brunette smiling to himself and wondering how he could get this lucky. 

((Sorry I had to put the thing below because I agree so much. Don't continue to read if you are offended by cursing and/or references to *ahem* "stuff"... otherwise, enjoy this funny post I found...)) 


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