Chapter 4. Day in the life

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(Omg I am so sorry for not posting yesterday!!! Don't worry, I'll still post daily till further notice!!)

Third Person P.O.V.

The day was bright and had a warm feeling to it. You sigh as the warm glowing yellow sun touches the tips of your fingers, and the edges of your soft face. you awoke to sun in your eyes, and a sudden urge of sickness. As you made your way to the brink of the toilet, you threw up the sudden sickness you had. What you did not notice, was that you had woken up the sleepy soft, huggable, grizzly bear named Otabek. "(Y/N)?" He asked confused and with sleepy eyes. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sat up. "Go back to sleep! It's too early right now..." you said rubbing your chest. A quick heartburn consumed your chest and you groaned in pain. You felt calmed as Otabek suddenly held your hair up while you continued to throw up. "You didn't have to... really, I'm fine! You have work today, and I-" you said before being cut off. "Fuck work! Oh... Sorry" he said realizing that he cursed in front of their unborn baby. "What I mean to say is, I don't care if I'm tired at work today. Your more important than anything. Family first. Now, lets get you up and ready for a day with Caroline." He said happily. You smile and wipe your mouth.

>>Time Skip<<

Your P.O.V.

Already a rough morning. I grabbed my robe from our room door and walked to my little princess. As I slowly opened the somewhat creeky door, I find my little girl standing up in her crib with a bored expression on her chubby baby soft face. "Hi princess." I say quietly to her. She instantly begins to jump up and down like she just saw a unicorn. "MMm! MAMA!" She kept yelling till I picked her up. "Aww. It's ok. Come on, let's go make daddy breakfast! Yay!" I said trying to get her to smile. She grinned and hugged me. 'So adorable!' I thought as she did so. I made a couple of eggs toast and bacon for Otabek. In my opinion, I hate bacon. I sat Caroline in her little high chair, and gave her her tiny Gerber cereal stars. I gave Otabek a soft kiss on his lips as I gave him his food that I made. "Thanks baby." He said serious and stressed out. I tilted my head and smirked. "You having a bad day babe?" I said as I sat on his lap. Un-phased, he kept eating. "Otabek..." I said to him. "Yeah." He said chewing his food. I scotched over on his lap closer, "When was the last time we.... you know.... yeah..." I said looking into his eyes. His eyes widened in surprise, and he turned to me. "Um.... let's talk about this after work..."

Twitter: Kawaii_310
Instagram: Kawaii_310
Word count: 495

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