Chapter 7. FaceTime

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(Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've had a really bad case of writers block for a couple of days. So if I don't post, that's probably why)

4 months along
Author~Chans P.O.V.

The day was pretty bright and hot. Beads of sweat touched the edge of (Y/N)'s head as she awoke to the crus of her child. "Ugh. Up I g-" she says before her husband wakes up. "I got it babe." He said sitting up and walking out. After a couple of minutes, he came back with a small child in his arms. "Guess who had a dirty diaper?" He said trying to be cute. "Was it you or the dog?" She said laughing. "Haha. Your a comedian. Here. Take our baby while I get the bottle and feed the other babies." He said handing (Y/N) Caroline. "Hey my little one... Mommy's tired, so why don't we just take a nap for a couple more minutes. As soon as se laid her on the bed she blushed began to cry. "Fine... let's go bother daddy!" (Y/N) said giggling. "I heard that!" He yelled from across the room. I chuckle again at his silliness. "Hay honey?" You say sweetly. "Yeah babe?" He replies while making food. "The baby's next ultrasound is tomorrow, do you think we shad ask about the baby's sex, or no? I don't wanna make the wrong choice." She said sitting down at the kitchen table. "Hmmm... I think we should make it a surprise. You know the saying. Everyone loves a surprise." He said drinking his coffee. Out of nowhere, you get a FaceTime from Yuri. "EEEEeeeeee!!!! It's Yuri! I haven't seen him in so long!" You squealed answering.

Your P.O.V.

"Hi!!" I said happily. "Hey (Y/N)! How are you and Otabek doing?" Yuri said smiling. I smiled back and responded. "Oh, we're doing pretty good! How are you and Viktor doing?" I asked sipping orange juice. "Actually, we're-" he said before getting cut off. The screen was a blur as someone grabbed Yuri's phone. It then showed a shirtless Chris that looked oily and shiny. "HELLOOO!!" He yelled giving a closed eye smile. I waved and said hi back. "OOOOooooo (Y/N)!! Your bust size went from DD to F!! Don't worry baby, I'll still give those girls an A+ if you know what I mean!!" He said with his classic rape face smirk. I blushed red and yelled at him almost dropping my phone. "YOU BASTARD! They've only grown to a triple D!! So rude!" I yelled at him. Out of nowhere, Otabek grabs both of them from behind tightly and looks at the camera with a deathly glare. I instantly blush a deep red all over in embarrassment and sensitivity.

"My wife. My fucking tittes."

Twitter: Kawaii_310
Instagram: Kawaii_310
Word count: 490
(Lmaoo I had fun writing this part, comment if you thought it was funny!)

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