Chapter 9. Skaters Reunion! Part 1.

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Your P.O.V.

"The sun is bright, our shirts clean, we're sitting up above the se-" I sang till I heard a groan. I paused my music and stop cooking. I turned around to see Otabek. He was holding a red and gold envelope. "What's wrong honey?" I asked confused. "Nothing. It's just this letter that was in the mail." He said showing it to me. "Whats it say?" I asked again. "Just look at it for yourself...". I grabbed the envelope and opened it with nails.

"Dear Fellow skaters,

I Viktor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuke, will be hosting a party in honor of all the skaters that participated in the competition together. This event has free food, free drinks, music, and free tickets to the ice skating rink. If you are unable to come to this event, please contact us soon. Thank you.

Time: 7:30 pm
Place: MyStreet Ice rink
Ps. Make sure to dress casual and bring your skates." I said reading the card out loud. "No.". "OH COME ON OTABEK!!!" I said pleading him to go. "No means no (Y/N)!" He said raising his voice a bit. "BUT WHY!!!" I said whinnying. "BECAUSE CHRIS WILL PROBABLY BE THERE!!" He yelled blushing. "Oh... well umm..." I said pausing. I felt bad now. "Otabek, babe. He won't do anything... I'll be by your side the whole party. So please can we go!" I said rubbing his back. Anytime I want something, all I have to do is a quick massage and he's vulnerable. "Ugh fine. You and your soft hands..." he said the last bit under his breath. "YAAY!!" I squealed.

>>Time Skip to 7:30pm<<

"Hey Otabek." I asked as he was taking out the stroller. "Yeah?"He said putting Caroline inside. "Doesn't the ice rink close at this time?" I asked curiously. "Yeah it does, but I'm guessing that Viktor probably rented out the place. There are no other people here but us and a couple of others." He said walking to me. Carolines bedtime was at 8:30, so she was good for another hour or so. We opened the door of the giant ice skating rink place to see Everyone there. I greeted everyone nicely, and made small talk since we were all standing in one big circle. "So how's Caroline and the baby?" Said Yuri. "Caroline is doing fine, she's excited to meet her her new siblings." I said rubbing my belly. "Siblings?!" Yelled everyone. "Yup! We're having twins!" Said Otabek. Everyone smiled and cheered. "Actually, We have se news we would like to share too! Me and Yuri-"

Twitter: Kawaii_310
Instagram: Kawaii_310
Word count: 443

•Together• (Yuri on ice x reader Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora