Chapter 20

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"Come on guys! We can't be late!" Lizzy yelled at us as I helped Brian with his gown.

"Why do we have to wear these things? I look dumb." Brian chuckled and leaned back against me. "You look pretty good though." He told me before turning around to kiss me.

"When are we leaving?" I mumbled against his lips.

"Tomorrow." He smiled and pulled away, taking my hand and leading me to our friends.

"I can't wait to start a life with you." I muttered into his ear as we approached our friends.

"So, Johnny. Since you and your boyfriend are leaving tomorrow, we figured we'd throw you a going away party, which will also be a graduation party, and your early birthday party." Aaron smiled and wrapped his arm around Ashley.

"That's a lot of parties." Heather giggled and kissed her girlfriend just as someone told us to get ready to enter.

The ceremony took forever, and the whole time I just stared at Brian and thought about how much I loved him, and how excited I was to start a life with him. When everything was over, we went to find our parents before we had to go to Aaron's place.

My mom squeezed the life out of us and my dad gave a polite 'congratulations' with a warm smile. Brian's dad was extremely proud and even gave us matching rings. We decided to put them on our middle fingers as a big 'fuck you' to every ignorant ass homophobe that thought our love was invalid.

When we got to Aaron's house it was just us and Aaron. Apparently the girls had to go change their outfits before coming. So that left us to set everything up.

"So, what are you boys gonna do in LA?" He asked us as he grabbed a few beers from the fridge.

"Brian is starting a band, and he thinks that I'm gonna be an actor." I smiled and wrapped my arm around my boyfriends shoulder.

"You probably will. Remember middle school?" Aaron laughed and took a sip of his beer. "You know, I've always wanted to start a band. I just never thought I had what it takes."

"I'm sure you do, Aaron. You're good at like, everything." I rolled my eyes jokingly and watched him go into the living room. He came back with a piece of paper and a cassette tape.

"I wrote this when you two started dating. I think it sums up your relationship pretty well. I want you to have it. Keep it as a reminder of me, and each other as you go on in life together." He handed it to me and I could've sworn I saw a tear fall from his eyes.

"Dude, are you crying?" I asked, a little astonished. I hadn't seen him cry since we were kids.

"I'm gonna miss y'all so much. I never really felt like I had a place in this world, but then you came into my life, Johnny. And then we got to high school and formed this amazing group of friends. I don't want to lose any of you, you all mean the world to me, and I wouldn't trade our dysfunctional friendships for anything. I love you all so fucking much, and I hate to see you go." He started crying and I looked over to see Brian crying. Then I started crying and formed a group hug. The three of us held onto each other like if we let go it would be the end of us.

"Hey guys! Oh, you're crying. No, now I'm gonna cry!" I heard Lizzy say before she forced herself into the hug. Heather and Ashley awkwardly joined, but I could tell they were crying too.

"I love you guys so much." Lizzy sobbed as she hugged us tighter.

"Guys, I can't breathe." Aaron said awkwardly as he sniffled. We broke the hug and looked around at each other. We all started crying again, and surprisingly, Ashley was crying so hard she had to leave the room. Aaron went after her and Brian hugged me, rubbing my back as Lizzy and Heather embraced us.

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