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Yeri worked at a cafe as a barista.

She was an accountant but she loves coffee more so she resigned the job and worked as a full time barista.

The employer of that cafe was really good. He provided Yeri so much profits so that he can keep this professional barista.

Yeri has fans too. Those regular customers were here because of Yeri. Her sweet smiles and heartwarming words that she spoke, melted everyone's heart.

It was a raining afternoon. A man who didn't have an umbrella ran into that cafe to prevent the rain washing his suit.

He was attracted by coffee aroma. He looked around and saw a girl with a messy buns and pink lipstick was making coffee.

He walked towards the cashier and took order.

"What would you like to have, sir?" The cashier asked.

"Um, what's best-selling here?" He asked.

"Yeri's caramel latte." The cashier said.

"Yeri? Who's that?" He asked.

"That's our barista. She makes perfect ratio of espresso and milk and has a special taste. Therefore everyone named it Yeri's caramel latte." The cashier pointed at Yeri who's busy making coffee.

"Well, I'll have that one." He smiled.

The cashier took a cup and wrote down the order on the surface of the cup skin.

"What's your name sir?" The cashier asked.

"Jungkook. J-U-N-G-K-O-O-K." He spelled.

"Thank-you. It will be 6 dollars." The cashier passed to cup to Yeri and said.

"Okay." Jungkook took out 10 dollars and gave it to the cashier.

While waiting for his caramel latte, he watched the barista's facial features.

She was beautiful. When she was in concentration, she will pout a little and made Jungkook smiled.

"Mr Jungkook. Here's your drink!" Yeri yelled and gave the cup of drink to the man stood in front of her.

"Thank-you beauty." Jungkook smiled and their hands touched while he took the drink.

"You're welcome. It's raining outside, what about you stay here for awhile before the rain stops?" Yeri asked kindly.


"Oops, I think there's no more seats left. I'm sorry I couldn't help you." She cut his words after she realized the cafe was full.

"Never mind. I'll just stand here." Jungkook took a straw and leaned against the counter.

"Um, alright, if you don't mind. I have orders to do, have a nice day!" Yeri smiled before took the cups and started making drinks.

Jungkook stood at the counter and watched Yeri's movement. She was cute and cute and cuter. After the rain stopped, he remembered that he had stuffs hadn't finish so he left without a goodbye.

After the business hour, Yeri cleaned the things as the cashier left earlier because of emergencies. She wiped the table and arranged the chairs.

Jungkook who was driving saw that girl in the cafe so he stopped his car and looked inside the cafe.

"She's still working? It's past 11." Jungkook looked at his wrist watch.

He decided to park his car and go to the cafe.

The door squeaked and Yeri saw the man.

"Sorry we're close now, please come again tomor-"

"Hi, Yeri. Remember me?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh hi, I remember you. You're the one who stood at the counter just now." Yeri smiled and stopped her work.

"It's past 11 and you're still working?" Jungkook approached her and asked.

"Yes, the cashier has an emergency so I take her shift." Yeri answered.

"And you didn't lock the door. What if someone coming here to rob?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh. I didn't think about that, thank-you. I will lock it next time." Yeri nodded her head.

"Need some help?" Jungkook asked.

"No need, it's almost finish." Yeri smiled.

"Do you have transport later?" Jungkook asked.

"Um, bus?" Yeri seemed to be unsure.

"It's past 11, there's no bus already." Jungkook said.

"Oh I forgot about this." Yeri face palmed herself.

"See? If I don't stop here, you probably will be robbed and you have no transport to go back home." Jungkook chuckled.

"What do you mean by that?" Yeri washed the cloth and asked.

"Let me drive you home instead." Jungkook offered.

"And why I should ride a stranger's car?" Yeri asked.

"Because you are not safe going home alone." Jungkook stood in front of her and gazed at her.

"Mr, I'm sorry I-" Yeri was stunned by his facial features in inches apart.

"Apology not accepted. You have to ride my car." Jungkook smirked.

"Alright. I surrender." Yeri kept the cloth and closed all the electricity.

Both of them stood outside when Yeri locked the door of the cafe.

"Let's go."


After their first encounter, they hangout often.

When he was free, he would visit the cafe and stared at her.

Sometimes she would flinch at his presence because he was too close to her.

Yeri was just taking him as a friend but he wasn't.

He took her home everytime she had no transport and he would help her if she's alone when closing the cafe.

Everytime Yeri would mistake his kindness as a brother. She had no idea that guy already fell in love with her.

But not until one day, Jungkook brought a bouquet of flowers at the first day of spring and asked her a question.

"Would you be my girlfriend?"



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