The Time of Night

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For hours, I had been following the man I hoped to be my prince. I flitted about the shadows and watched curiously as he would place his arrows through the hearts and minds of countless rabbits, deer and fox. He was a lithe hunter from which no living creature could find refuge, lest he granted them mercy of his own volition.

Though I ached for the little creatures that had often sought me out for solace from these frequent hunts, I couldn't help but stand in awe of the powerful creature that he was. My heart ached at the thought of some other woman who most certainly held his heart captive in a tower far higher than the one that housed my slumbering body. But a girl could dream... especially one like me, given that I was literally living in one—sort of.

I watched as he and his fellow huntsmen laughed and rallied about one another as they dared each other to seek out more difficult prey. This man was not one to back down from a challenge. He caught every creature they insisted that he pursue. He was a blur upon the horizon as he felled birds, rabbits, raccoons and even a stray mink that bounded past at the worst time. Poor little creature.

Finally, he pulled his massive gray horse to a halt and sighed. Something was keeping his mood suppressed. Faint laugh lines pulled at a downward slope to imply that something far more elusive than any deer was lurking behind his smiling eyes. He appeared almost weary as he bade his friends goodbye and headed back to some recess of the forest—to wherever his home lay. Of course, I did not stay to follow the friends. Instead, I hovered behind him just out of sight, as some prowling predator might stalk their evening meal. I staunched the urge to laugh at myself. The sight of a handsome man had never left me quite like this before. Surely I shouldn't allow for this one to turn me into a rabid dog.

And still, I followed.

I was surprised to find that he had taken refuge in a cottage quite like mine. Its thatched roof was a welcome sight from the bleeding dark that was sweeping swiftly about the landscape. The time of witches and strange magic were soon to make their nest beneath the shadow of the mourning castle above us. I was surprised that my father had allowed for someone to house themselves so close to the castle. This man must have connections to nobility for him to stay so close; yet, this house was just short of a hovel in comparison to the other houses of noble blood that surely lay close by.

I swept in behind him as he shut the door to keep out the evening terrors and I was careful to flit behind the little dining room table and hide, lest he find me standing there. I wondered how I could keep myself invisible and if he had accidentally seen me earlier in the forest. I was loathe to invoke the wrath of the Big Three. I didn't even want to contemplate something as terrible as spirit court. Anything court related in this area surely resulted in a hanging... or worse. I shuddered to think of the punishments that could be dolled out to wayward spirits.

Still, I remained unseen to this man. His hair caught the lights of blinking candles that did their best to hold the canvas of black as high above their glow as they could—their flickering attempts were soon to be oppressed and this man seemed to care very little as to whether he could see or not.

He pulled himself an apple from a bowl on a window sill across from the table and leaned carelessly in the corner to stare blankly at the wall just behind where I now hid. The frown that had pulled at his face was ushered away by the monotonous chewing that he undoubtedly did to hide his more serious state of mind. His icy blue eyes pierced the night like the spirit of winter had taken refuge inside their depths. No wonder an animal would freeze at the sight of his gaze—it was enough to freeze anyone in their tracks... especially me.

Yawning, he tossed the apple out the open window and proceeded to make the journey up his creaking staircase and undoubtedly into the bed just above the dining room, as I heard him shuffle and thud and then no more after some time had passed. Deciding it was safe, I began to ascend the staircase and found him sleeping soundly in his bed. How I wished that my sleep were as temporary as his...

I knew what I had to do—I had to give this man a chance. How I knew that he was right for me or that we would even be compatible escaped my mind. I had no time to ponder logic or strategies. Emotions don't allow for such practical things, anyhow. Just his movements were enough to leave my heart thrashing about in terror at letting him go by without trying to take his own heart for keeps.

I had to enter his dreams. I could implore him there with my quandary and see if he could help me. There had to be some chance for me to escape this sleeping world. A subtle hum erupted from his sleeping lips and I found myself lilting to the tune of some beautiful song. Following it excitedly and without thinking, I delved within his dream. 

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