1 | Music Rant

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I just have to say something

You, as a person, are allowed to say you're a fan of any band/singer, even if you only know the songs that are played on the radio.

You have no right to tell someone that they aren't a fan of a band/singer just because they don't know songs that are only on CDs

How do you know

Maybe the radio is the only way they can listen to music.

Not everyone can afford internet at their house so they can watch YouTube

Not everyone can afford to buy the CDs to listen to the different music

You don't know shit.

For example, with me. I like Twenty One Pilots. Have I ever actually listened to any of their songs that aren't on the radio? Well. No. And that's because I always forget to listen to them when I'm on YouTube. And me watching YouTube is normally me watching fan-made videos for my different fandoms. I don't listen to a lot of actual music on there.

But, then on the opposite side of the spectrum, I love Panic! At the Disco. I've actually taken time to listen to all the different songs they have (I'm actually sure there's other ones that I haven't listened to, but I've listened to a lot of them). And I love them. But I'm not going to condemn someone because they've only heard a few of the P!ATD songs.


You cannot only like one song of a band/singer and be a fan.

That means you like that specific song. Not that you like the band/singer. Listen to a few other songs of theirs. If you like them, then you can claim to be a fan of the band/singer.


QOTD: What's your favorite band?

AOTD: Shinedown or Linkin Park

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