126 | Why Pepperony Is A Bad Ship

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Literally one of my biggest NOTP's here. I love them as friends. But Tony deserves someone who actually understands him, alright? Like. Pepper doesn't get Tony the way he deserves to be got.

So, let's get something straight here. Tony has this desire/addiction to be a hero. Why? Because he knows he's done fucked up in the past and this is the best way he knows to fix his problems. Is it healthy? Prolly not. Then again, Tony as a character has a very unhealthy mentality in general.

But being Iron Man is the only way Tony can see to fix his past mistakes. And he doesn't exactly feel ready to give that up. Because he's got a laundry list of character defects, and he's making up for past faults, whether we're talking about his insane guilt for all the shit Obadiah did or he's making up for Ultron (which was not fully his fault. That's a rant for another day tho).

In a way, you can't fault him for this. He's actually being a hero to make up for his past faults. (Unlike a certain someone I'm not gonna mention). And that's an admirable trait.

And then you have Pepper. I love Pepper, don't get me wrong. But she doesn't exactly appreciate what Tony does as a hero. She doesn't appreciate the fact that he's trying to be a good boy and fix his past mistakes. She's all "you have to stop being Iron Man, even though that's your whole life"

I'm not saying she has no right to be worried. But I am saying, Tony feels the need to be Iron Man. And he needs someone who can understand that. (I mean, we can mention several characters here. I'm going to say what everyone probably expects me to say, and mention Peter. He even says it himself in Homecoming, when you're able to do something about it and you don't, it doesn't make you any better. There's also Stephen, Loki, Peter Q, Clint, and literally anyone but Steve Rogers). Tony needs someone who can understand what he goes through, alright? And that person isn't Pepper.

Idk. I've been writing this rant for like a week now, trying to perfect it. I have no idea if it's worked or if any of my explanations make sense.

Mind you, if you ship Pepperony, I'm not saying you can't ship them. I just wanted to explain why I don't ship them.

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