36 | Tony Stark

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Just letting all of you people know Tony is NOT a bad guy. He doesn't deserve all the hate the MCU fandom gives him. He doesn't deserve the shit people throw his way.

People say he deserves it for creating Ultron?

How about I remind you that he wouldn't of felt the need to create Ultron if Wanda hadn't fucking mind raped him and planted the image of everyone he cares about fucking dying in his head. (Don't get me wrong. I still love Wanda. I just think people forget that little detail about her).

People say he's at fault in Civil War?

May I just say he was doing what he thought was the right thing. And it takes two to tango. It was just as much as Steve's fault for everything in that movie as it was Tony's. I was 100% Team Iron Man but I'm also just a little biased (although I totally see where he was coming from and Steve was kinda a dick in that movie).

I've even seen people try to make the fucking argument that Tony was the "real villain" in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Don't even fucking get me started on that. That's a rant for a 100% completely different day. People who say that literally don't know shit.

People say that Tony is a douchebag. That he's a playboy who doesn't care about anyone else. That he thinks it's all about him.

First off. Fuck you people. Watch the Iron Man movies again. Watch the Avenger movies again. Watch Spider-Man: Homecoming again. Rewatch Civil War. Listen to the shit Tony says. Throw on the subtitles. Pay attention to everything he says about himself. Then try telling me again that any of that is true.

Tony Stark is a broken man. Tony Stark deserves way more love than the fandom gives him. Tony Stark deserves more love than the creators of the movies give him.

BTW: I'm about to say something about Infinity War. I'm gonna put it all in the next paragraph so if you haven't seen the movie, don't read the paragraph and then complain about spoilers. I'm even gonna put spaces between the single paragraph and the rest of this chapter. Here's to warning.

I'm actually really fucking annoyed about how Infinity War handled Civil War. Didn't particularly notice it until I rewatched it just today. They very craftily go around it and Steve and Tony never even share screen time. They make you think that they don't have to deal with it until later. But they have literally now completely isolated Tony in this world and it pisses me off. Even someone who've we've seen is his best friend (Rhodey) has decided the Accords aren't great. Like. No. Fuck that shit. Maybe the way Ross did it wasn't great. But I recently read a StarkQuill fic on AO3 that made the Accords actually great with a few adjustments. Why tf couldn't they negotiate a little in the movies? The Accords aren't the worst thing in the world. The Avengers DO need to be kept in check. They've created far too much collateral damage. Also. If the sequel for Infinity War makes out like it's fucking okay that Steve and Bucky left Tony for DEAD in Siberia I will eternally be pissed. Even more so if Tony takes all the fucking blame for everything. Coz. It. Wasn't. All. Tony's. Fault. Cap was to fucking blame as well and I'm pissed no one sees this. Apparently even the directors of the movies think it's all Tony's fault. Fuck that shit. Just fucking fuck that shit. It's really fucking sad when the only person who actually supports Tony in the movies is a fucking fifteen year old. Rhodey and Pepper (don't even get me started with how Pepper acted in Infinity War), two people who've we've established to be Tony's oldest and closest friends have now practically abandoned him. Fuck that fucking shit. Tony deserves so much more.

Sorry that was longer than I originally planned.

Seriously tho. Tony deserves 1 Million times more than the fucking fandom AND the movies give him.

Tony Stark deserves to be protected from the world. He doesn't deserve all the fucking hate he gets.

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