127 | Kelsey's Turn

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I wanted to do my one tag thing again, but this time for Kelsey Döter from my Loki fic, The Mischief's Assassin. Remember, these are me answering questions from her perspective:

1) Your nickname?
Coulson calls me Kels, Clint calls me Crazy, and Loki, well...

2) Eye color?
They're this darkish green.

3) Hair color?
Dirty blonde

4) One fact about you?
So, when I was a small child, before the...incident, I used to run around outside my parents's house, pretending to be a superhero, not knowing what that meant at the time. Well, one time, I decided to climb a tree so I could jump down, only I got stuck in the tree. Neither of my parents were home at the time, as they were both busy with SHIELD. My babysitter was inside, talking on the phone to her boyfriend or something, and I didn't want to make her mad by calling for her. So, I was stuck in the tree for several hours, until my parents finally came back home and saw me in the tree, and got me out of it. I was crying and a mess and I was just so glad to see them again, finally.

Needless to say, I've never been fond of trees since, though I've climbed them when necessary for the job.

5) Favorite color?
Black. I like black. It's a good color.

6) Favorite place?
My apartment in Brooklyn. It's just really homey, and I love it a lot. It's a nice, one bedroom apartment that's become my safe place.

7) Favorite animal?
Turtles. I used to have a pet one as a kid and I loved him so much.

8) Favorite song?
Either Sound of Madness or Sin With a Grin, both by the amazing band that is Shinedown.

9) Favorite book?
The Harry Potter series, because I used to read the books and hope that I would be swept away into a magical land where I could leave my horrible "family" behind.

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